Monty //Teennapped

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//third person//

Monty Green ran around the camp like a mad man, his girlfriend Mase was no where to be found. When Finn came into view Monty ran up to him grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Woah what is it?" Finn asked Monty, fear evident in his small brown eyes. "It's Mase, I can't find her." Monty said.

Finn and Mase were as close as brother and sister, after Mase's parents were floated and Mase was put under the care of a family who couldn't have kids, Finn looked out for the younger girl, protecting her from the harsh ways of the Ark and earth.

Mase and Monty met when they were kids, when they were in the sky box, Monty's cell was right above Mase's, they talked every day and Monty would make up stories to tell Mase, who was two years younger then him, and Mase would sing him old songs her mom would sing to her as a child.

When they were sent down to Earth, it was the first time in five years that they had seen each other. Monty scooped the brunette and kissed her, they thought of nothing more perfect then to be the first couple on earth, the first couple to kiss on earth in 100 years.

"We need to find her." Monty said, Finn nodded and ran off to get Bellamy, Clarke and some others to help search.


Mase screamed as a grounder sliced down her back. "You shall carry a hundred scars on your back like you ancestor Mason Curtis. To live in his honour." The leader spoke.

Tears spilled from her eyes, they were only at fifteen. They would give her Eighty five more slashes until they thought she was strong enough.

Mase knew she wasn't strong enough to last that long, she sometimes did things that were a little reckless and stupid, but it was all fun and games.

Mase tightened her grip on the ropes that bound her arms. Sweat poured down her face and coated her arms, her head hung low as she shook, tears fell every so often, she left like it would never end.

It wasn't until gunshots were heard that the grounders stopped. The door was slammed open and Bellamy walked in first, gun raised. Finn and Clarke followed, Monty and Jasper next with Octavia and Lincoln at the back of the group.

"Mase." Monty breathed, his heart clenching at the sight of his girlfriend. Mase couldn't say anything, instead a sob slipped past her lips.

"Get away from her!" Bellamy shouted at the grounders, some of the grounders stood ready to fight, but the grounder leader held up his hand.

Octavia walked up and cut the ropes and catching Mase in her arms. "Lincoln, take her." Octavia said, Lincoln swiftly picked Mase up in his arms carrying her out of the room.

"I-" Mase started but closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


Mase opened her eyes and whimpered in pain when she went to push herself up, she laid on her stomach her back covered in bandages.

"Hey, hey take it easy." Monty said walking up to her. He sat in a chair beside the makeshift bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked her.

"Like i just got tramped by a horse." She muttered taking a deep breath. Monty chuckled before leaning in and kissing her lips softly.

"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you." Monty whispered pushing her hair away from her face. "I-It's okay Mont, I shouldn't have left the camp by myself."

Monty moved onto the bed beside her girlfriend he wrapped his arm around her lower waist, and kissed her forehead repeatedly.

"Thank you." Mase whispered gripping Monty's shirt in her small fist. "Thank you for coming back for me." Monty looked into her bright Blueish green eyes before kissing her dimples. "I'll always come back for you." He promised.

Mase sighed in content, before kissing Monty's soft lips once more. "I love you so much, Monty Green." She whispered.

"I love you more, Mase Curtis. Now, get some rest."

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