Jasper// Best friend

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Taking a deep breath, Keylee looked around at the trees, she was finally here. Away from the cold metal cell she spent years in, and away from her fathers lectures. She was free, for awhile.

"What? They send a Kane down?" A boy seethed, pushing Keylee. Falling to the ground Keylee looked up at the boy shooting daggers at him. "A Kane?" Keylee shot back. She picked herself back up and pushed his on the boys chest hard. "A Kane?" She seethed. "Well I'm sorry but last time I checked, Kane's didn't beat guards to death. Huh, do you remember the last time a Kane did that?" The boy shook his head.

"Good, now get the fuck out of my face before you become the first dead man on earth in a hundred years." She spat. The boys eyes widened before he ran away to find his friends. "Well," John Murphy said with a smirk. "I was gonna help you out but looks like you've got yourself sorted."

Keylee smiled and ran up hugging him. "I've missed you so much, John." She laughed holding her best friend close to her. "I missed you too, Key, it's been too long." John said, holding her tightly.

As the two best friends reunited after many years apart, Jasper Jordan stood beside his best friend. "Who is she?" He breathed, Monty Green laughed.

"Don't you remember man? Keylee Kane, she was your biggest crush before Octavia." Jasper's eyes widened at the sight of her.

"Wow." He breathed.


Everyday after that, Jasper would think of ways to talk to Keylee, ways he could possibly woo her and win her over.

Her beauty was much greater than he remembered, but the last time he saw her the fifteen year old girl had hardly hit puberty. But now, she had bloomed into a beautiful young woman. Though it was evident with his tall height she hadn't grown much over the years that she was locked up.

Every time Jasper went to go talk to Keylee, every time he had worked up the courage John Murphy was always there. Talking to her, making her laugh, making her feel like she belonged and she just wasn't the daughter of a council member.

"You need to talk to her man." Monty said laughing and plopping down beside his best friend. Jasper sighed and ran his fingers through his long  hair. "How when he is always around." He groaned. "Its like he's lingering because he knows." He added.

Monty chuckled. "He's her best friend Jasper, for the best few years all she has had is him and he only had her. He was there the day she was arrested, and she was there for him when his dad was floated. You can't just expect to waltz up and not have her smitten, and even if you do, you have to get through Murphy first. So, it's time to man up Jordan."

Jasper sighed, his best friend was right. If he wanted the girl, he would have to go through the best friend first. So, swallowing his pride and whatever self esteem he had left, Jasper stood up from the log he had been sitting on and hobbled over to the girl and her best friend.

"Hey Jasper," Keylee beamed. "How are you feeling?" She asked him, referring to the spear wound he was just recovering from. "I-I'm good thanks." He stuttered, Keylee smiled at his cuteness. 

"Jasper I'm sure you know Murphy." Jasper nodded. "Hey man." He nodded, Murphy crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the tree unimpressed. "Hey, Keylee can I talk to you?" Jasper asked, she nodded, her brown hair bobbing up and down as she did so.

"I'll see you later Johnny." Keylee said with a smile, Murphy nodded. Not noticing his off behaviour, Keylee jumped up and followed behind Jasper.

Once they were far enough away from Murphy, Jasper started to ramble, he started to come up with all these stories which made Keylee laugh. "What?" Jasper asked cutting himself off.

"I like you too, Jasper." With a large smile Jasper wrapped her up in his arms making her laugh.

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