Bellamy// Sorry

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Again sorry for the long wait bestrong_staystrong_ Andi hope you enjoy :)


I sat with Octavia as we joked around and did nothing, just sat on the dirt and soaked in the beautiful sun.

"So.." Octavia started I sighed already knowing where this was going.

"Listen O, he loves me." I said cutting her off, the younger Blake looked at me and shook her head.

"Do you love him is the question?" Octavia said, I looked across the camp to Bellamy. I didn't feel the butterflies that I use to when I looked at him. I didn't feel anything but fear.

"Oh course I do, don't be silly." I said getting the bad thoughts out if my head. Of course I love Bellamy I mean, what's not to love? He's handsome, has a perfect body, he's... A beautiful broken man. I loved him, of course I did- I do.

"If you say so Lyss, but you're not the same." Octavia whispered to me. I sighed, she's right. I use to always be laughing and smiling which did get me in trouble often, I was such an outgoing person when I was with my friends, then I got all shy and quirky around strangers. That's something Bellamy said he enjoyed about me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I whispered. Octavia rested her hand on mine.

"I think you do Alyssa, you just don't want to admit it though." She said softly.

"Alyssa!" I heard Bellamy's voice boom. I closed my eyes mustering up all my courage, I remember when his voice was so soft and caring towards me. I stood up and let him walk up to me. "You come when you're called." He growled to me.

"I'm not an animal Bellamy." I whispered.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing." I squeaked.

"Thats what I thought. Now why the hell aren't you working? I gave you a job to do and now you're sitting over here slacking off!" He yelled at me, I felt my lip quiver and willed myself not to cry.

"I-I f-finshed everything." I stuttered.

"Everything?" He pushed. I nodded.

"You probably didn't even do it right! Considering you never do anything right!" He yelled, he kept yelling at me like this for a little bit longer until Murphy called him.

I sighed and without looking at the staring people I walked out of camp and headed to the river. I don't know why I went out without a weapon or someone else, now that I think of it, it was stupid but here I am walking around unprotected.

I felt a hand collapse around my mouth and around around my waist as something stung the back of my neck.


When my eyes opened everything was blurry, I blinked a few times trying to clear my vision. It was dark but I could make out the faint outlines of things hanging on the walls.

I felt something wet on my forehead and lifted my hands, only to have them jerked back down by a rattling chain.


I heard footsteps and saw a faint light underneath the makeshift door. With a loud booming slam the door flew open and in walked four grounders.

First the leader, or the grounder princess said something that I couldn't understand.

"I don't know what you're saying." I told her. She sighed.

"Of course you don't." She said annoyed. "I said, tell me everything about your camp. Every nook every crack, when the watches switch over, anything you can think of." She told me.

With a little bit of courage and not much self confidence I took a deep breath. "No."

Just as quick as the word fell from my lips I left the impact of an open hand on my cheek. I whimpered when I felt a fist connect with my jaw and squeaked when I felt another fist against my stomach.


I didn't know what time of day it was, or how many days I've been here. I haven't been fed once, but I get water frequently.

I heard a groan followed by the sound of dragging when the door flew open.

"Alyssa?" I heard Octavia's voice.

"O-Octavia?" Shuffling feet is all that could be heard when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I winced in pain making Octavia pull away quickly.

"I'm so so sorry Alyssa." She said to me working on getting my chains off.

"I-its okay." I mumbled. I felt myself bring picked up and everything around me went black.

"Here set her here." I heard a voice say. "Don't tell Bellamy she's here. She needs time to rest." I pointed the voice out as Clarke's warm and comforting voice.


I groaned and opened my eyes making several sets of running feet sound. After blinking a few times my eyes focused on Octavia, Monty, Clarke, Jasper and Finn all standing over me.

"Quit staring like you just saw the queen." I groaned, they all laughed which made me smile. "How long was I out for?" I asked.

"A few hours." Clarke answered, I nodded and slowly sat up.

"What did they do to you?" Jasper asked me.

"I didn't give them what they wanted."

"What did they want?"



"Take it easy Alyssa, you're still weak." Octavia said helping me walk down the ramp of the drop ship.

Once I was on the ground everyone started clapping which made me smile. "Welcome back Alyssa." One girl said to me patting my back. I smiled lightly when I got many more greets from kids I didn't even know.

When I looked to the wall I saw Miller opening the door and letting Bellamy and Murphy walk in. When my eyes landed on Bellamy butterflies erupted in my stomach. I missed the feeling of a million butterflies fluttering around my stomach. I missed the way Bellamy use to look at me; with such love and adoration in his eyes. I missed it. I missed it so much it wasn't funny.

But then, Miller pointed to me and Bellamy's face light up. He started running towards me after shoving his gun in Murphy's hands. Without thinking I felt my legs start to move me, meeting half way I was engulfed into Bellamy's welcoming arms.

"I'm so sorry." He said into my hair. "I love you so much. I'm so so sorry." He repeated over and over again making me melt and fall in love all over again.
"I love you too Bellamy."

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