#11 Your secret talent

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No one knew except for Octavia and Lincoln that you could sing. After Bellamy had beat up Lincoln you and Octavia snook up to go see him, Octavia started to clean his wounds and you decided to sing a son that Octavia loved hearing.

' When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
Well, there's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

Well, I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up'

The latch to the drop ship opened and Bellamy walked up. "Get the hell out of here Octavia." He snapped. Octavia sighed and whispered something to Lincoln before climbing down the ladder. "And you." Bellamy said turning to you. "Maybe you should sing more often." He said you gave him a small smile. "Now go to our tent I'll meet you there." He said.

"Okay." You mumbled, he grabbed your wrist to stop you and quickly pressed his lips to yours.

"Don't go running off, its not safe." He said knowing how you loved to disobey him. You nodded.

"I know." You said before walking off.


Bellamy wanted you and Finn to go out on a hunt with him and the rest of the hunting party.

After awhile Bellamy suggested everyone splits up because traveling in a big group would scare off all the game, so you went with your boyfriend.

He was looking around and you spotted some tracks, they were deer tracks.

"Babe," you whispered getting Finn's attention, he knelt down beside you giving you a small smile for fixing some tracks. You put your hands in the mud to feel its was still very soft. "They're still fresh, it went by here about ten minutes ago." You told him.
"How did-"

"Babe I'm dating the spacewalker, I think I'd pick up a few things here and there." You said with a smile on you face.

"Man, I love you." He said with a large smile.

"I love you too but let's go." You said standing up and brushing off your jeans.


You were at the river all by yourself and started humming a song, soon your feet followed to the rythum and you were lost in the music like always.
On the Ark you were a major dance freak whenever your parents went out or were at work you'd turn up your music and just dance. It was a great stress realiver and just overall fun.

You knew how to do almost any kinds if dance but your favorite was Lyrical. The way the the person who was singing was explaining the situation and how you danced the emotions. You just loved it.

"You're great." You heard someone say. You instantly stopped, no matter how much you loved to dance only your parents knew that you did. You turned around to see your boyfriend Monty smiling at you.

"Thanks." You smiled. "Uh, how long have you been standing there?" You asked.

"Long enough." He replied making you smile and shake your head.

"Come here," you said he stepped towards you. You grabbed his hands and put them on your waist and wrapped yours around his neck. You started humming another song and swayed together.


Today was the day that Bellamy was going to blow up the bridge, well he was going to... Until he came down with the Grounders sickness. You sighed and Bellamy turned to you.

"(Y/N) make the shot." You were the best sniper Bellamy knew and never missed. But only Bellamy knew. You nodded and made your way to the weapons tent where Raven was working.

"I need a gun." You told her, Jasper looked up at you with a supried look.


"Bellamy got sick he told me to take the shot." You explained. Raven nodded.

"How many bullets do you need?" She asked.

"How many am I aloud?" You asked.


"I only need one." You replied grabbing a gun.

Jasper followed you and grabbed your arm. "I'm going with you." He replied. "You don't even know how to shot let me take it." You shook your head.

"Sorry to burst your bubble baby, but I'm the best sniper in this came, I can take the shot." You said walking off.


You loved to draw so whenever you had the chance you'd always be sketching with your pencil in a notebook you had.

No one had ever seen you drawings of course, they were kept to yourself.

You laid on yours And you boyfriends bed drawing a picture of a flower you saw the other day when Murphy silently walked in. He looked over your shoulder and smiled slightly.

"Its quite good." He said, you jumped and slammed the book closed glaring up at him.

"Murphy." You growled. He snatched the book out of your hands and flipped through the book most of the pictures were of him.

"You drew all these?" He asked you nodded. "Why dso many of me?" He asked.

"My mum use to tell me to draw what made me happy. You make me happy." You told him making him smile.

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