Murphy// cuddle cave

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@lostobject just realized you requested this over a year ago I feel so bad 😭❤

|Third person|

Watching as an arrow lodged itself into the tree right beside her head, Astrids large eyes widened. "They're definitely mad." Astrid breathed looking to her boyfriend Murphy.

"I'd fucking say!" He exclaimed grabbing her small hand in his and taking off running. The two weaved through shrubbery, large trees and thorny bushes. Astrid hissed in pain watching as a large cut on her arm started to bleed.

"Come on Astrid!" Murphy encouraged tugging on her hand to bring them to the same speed. Faint footsteps could be heard behind them, the grounders weren't going to give up very easily.

They ran and ran until Murphy came across a large group of caves. He pulled her into one quickly pushing them up against the cold stone wall. His arm went across her stomach trying to make her look smaller.

He could feel her uneven intakes of air, he knew he was doing the same thing but he was more concerned for his girlfriend. Murphy loved the sixteen year old beside him, even thought she could be a little sassy and off putting she was very loyal to him and the people around her.

Their relationship was one that was established when they were just kids, or young teenagers. They were thirteen and twelve when they started dating, and when Murphy was thrown into the skybox Astrid wasn't far behind him.

After a few minutes of silence Murphy assumed they were now fine and out of the clear of Grounders. He pulled Astrid further into the cave and out of sight. "Let me see your arm." He said softly, she gave him her arm and watched as he sighed. "We'll have to get Clarke to look at it when we get back tomorrow." He told her.

Ripping a good chunk off his shirt, Murphy tied it tightly to her arm making her wince. "Sorry babe." He whispered, he looked up to her and gave her a lopsided smile before pressing his lips to her forehead softly.

"You know, it may not be comfortable, but I think I could use some cuddles." Murphy chuckled. "Of course babe." The two laid on the ground getting comfortable before Murphy wrapped his arms around his girlfriend bringing her closer to him.

Her head resting on his shoulder, he nose brushing his neck, her leg across him and her arm resting on his chest drawing small patterns.

"Hey Astrid?" Murphy said softly, his fingers running through her hair. "Yeah, John?"

"I love you so much babe." He mumbled pressing his lips to hers quickly.

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