Murphy// Criminals

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This is for OhMyLoki017 you should go read her books cause they're really good :))


I walked around the forest my shoulder length red hair hitting off my neck as the sun beat down on me. I don't know how king I've been walking or how long ago I left the camp. But I was full of dirt, sweat and blood, overall I was just disgusting.

I heard footsteps beside my own and looked around at my surroundings until my grey eyes landed on Bellamy's back.

"Bellamy?" I whispered getting closer to him. He whipped around and relaxed when he saw me.

"Hayley." He replied, I gave him a small smile but it hurt. My lips were chapped and cut making it very painful to talk. "Have you seen Finn?" He asked me.

"Finn's alive?" I asked excitedly, I haven't seen anyone from the 100.

"He was. We got separated. We knew the fire was coming, so, we ran, but one of them followed. How'd you get out?" Bellamy asked.

"I was in one of the tunnels when it happened. Once it started getting hit from the fire I ran." I told him he nodded.

We heard what sounded like a horse and Bellamy grabbed my wrist. Feeling a little bit uncomfortable with him touching me I slowly slid my wrist out of his grasp. "Follow me. Stay low and quiet." He said I nodded, don't have to tell me twice.

"No!" Finn yelled looking down to the dead boy beside him. I looked away and felt a little ashamed, I'm a criminal.  "That's one. I lost 300." The grounded said walking up to Finn holding out a bottle. 


"Drink. You're lucky. I need to keep one of you alive to talk to the commander. Get up." He said. Finn did as he was told and I looked over to Bellamy.

"Alright... Here's the plan." He said.

I sighed as I was dragged behind the horse between Finn and Bellamy. This was not apart of the plan.

I stumbled over a rock and fell to the ground making the grounded stop.

"You have to stand on your feet. He'll kill you if you don't." Finn whispered to me. I tried to get up but failed.

Suddenly the grounder was shot gaining our attention. The three if us looked up to see people we never thought we'd see again. My dad and Abby Griffen, with gaurds and guns.

"We're here now. Everything's gonna be ok." My dad said. I sighed. Shit.

Abby walked up to me and looked at my foot. "Don't stand up." She said to me. I ignored her and stood up anyway.

"I'm fine. We need to get back to the dropship." I said following behind Bellamy and Finn scared to see what we're gonna find when we get there.

"It's too quiet." Bellamy said.

"We'll take it from here. Banks, Scanlon, you stay with them. We'll signal once we're sure it's safe." My dad said. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"He's such an ass." I whispered to the two boys who both chuckled.

"We've gotta get away from them." Finn whispered to us.

"But how?" Bellamy asked.

"The tunnels." I whispered. When some gaurds came out if the drop ship ours got distracted and we started running away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Hey, hold it right there."

"Get back here!"

When we finally got to the drop ship we looked around seeing no one we knew dead or alive. "Uhh. Where is everyone?" I asked.

"It was awful. There was hundreds of them and if it wasn't for Raven... uhh... I don't know what happened." I heard Murphys voice say, I felt my heart flutter at the sound of his voice. He was alive and safe thank God.

"You're... you're alive." I said getting his attention.

Before I could even say anything else to my boyfriend he was thrown to the ground my Bellamy. "Aah! You murdering son of a bitch!" Bellamy yelled.

"Bellamy stop!" I yelled at Bellany who refused to listen.

"Stop!" A gaurd yelled taking out the stun stick. I could hear the sound of Electricity humming and I shivered. I didn't miss that sound at all. The gaurd pressed the thing to Bellamy's side making him gasp and fall over Murphy.

I ran up to my boyfriend and help him up. "Are you okay Murph?" I asked, he nodded.

"Yeah." He grunted. "I'm good angel."

"Place him under arrest." My dad said abiut Bellamy.

"Wait. You don't understand. Murphy murdered two of our people. He shot another one. He tried to hang Bellamy." Finn said trying to stop my dad. I put my head on Murphy's shoulder I never cared about what Murphy did. I still loved him the same way. My dad looked between Murphy a look of betrayal on his face.

"I don't care. You are not animals. There are rules. Laws. You are not in control here anymore." He said, I looked up to Murphy in displeasure. Laws? Rules? Really?

"And for you." My dad said walking up to Murphy and I. "You are not to see this... Criminal anymore." He said. I scoffed.

"You can't tell me what I can and can't do." I said angered.

"Yes I can, I'm your father."

"No you're not. You lost the right to be my father the day you sent me down here to die." I said grabbing Murphy's hand and helping him and we walked away.

I could feel my dads eyes burn while into my head but I didn't care. He could do and try anything but I wouldn't listen. He wasn't my father anymore, and he couldn't take the only person I love away.

"Why'd you stick up for me like that?" Murphy asked.

"We're criminal's my love." I told him. "And criminals stick together." He sent down and pressed his lips to me.

"Damn right we do."

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