Bellamy// Persuading

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I sat with Clarke Griffin as she talked on and on about the medical training she had gotten back up on the Ark. I never got training in anything because well to be brutally honest… I don’t remember not ever seeing the four walls of my cell on the Ark.

I’m so glad that I was shipped down to the Ark because it was two days before my birthday when they sent me and the other 99 down. “Echo are you listening to anything I say?”  Clarke asked as she pulled my hair back into a braid, “Yeah the cute guy that came in with a broken foot.” I replied, she sighed. “What?” I asked. “I wasn’t even talking about that anymore.” She said, my eyebrows frowned together.

“Then what were you talking about?” I asked, she groaned. “I really have to say it again?” She joked. “Oh hush.” I laughed. “As I was saying, Bellamy was staring at you, again.” She said. I shook my head, “Don’t be dense Clarke.” I mumbled trying to play it off as my boyfriend stared at me.

No one knew about us and we were trying very hard to keep it like that, it’s not like we hated each other in front of everyone else, we just didn’t want people to think that we distract each other from work. I pushed my gold hair behind my ear and locked eyes with Bellamy, it was a battle between brown eyes on who would look away first.

“Echo why don't you go talk to him?” Clarke asked, I sighed. “Fine, but only if you shut up about it after.” I laughed. She nodded and shooed me away.

Padding up to Bellamy timidly I tapped his shoulder, “Echo what are you doing here?” he asked in a hushed tone, I gave him a small smile. “Clarke ‘convinced’ me to come talk to you.” I said using air quotes around the word convinced. “Wanna go somewhere more private to talk?” he asked, I nodded and followed behind him out of the camp. We were finally alone, Bellamy didn't hesitate to wrap me in his arms and kiss me.

“I've missed your lips princess.” he mumbled against my lips, “Me too Bell.” he pur bis hands on either side of my face deepening the kiss. It was needy and passionate.

I pulled away for air, my breathing was laboured but Bellamy seemed unfazed, he moved his head down so he could place soft kisses on my neck. I moved my head to the side allowing him more access to my pale neck. “Bellamy, we need to tell people about us.” I gasped as he began to suck on the one spot.

He moved his head so he was staring into my brown eyes, my back was against a tree and his hands were on either side of my head. “Echo you know why we can't.” Bellamy replied I shook my head. “Thats not good enough any more Bellamy. I want people to know about us, I want people to know so girls can stop hitting on you, you're mine Bellamy, no one elses.”

He sighed. “You've always been good at persuading me.” he said with a smirk.

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