#32 your relationship is..

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Bellamy: Odd

You and Bellamy have an odd and unexpected relationship. No one thought that you two would ever go for each other, you were completely opposite from each other. Bellamy was a leader and you were a sweetheart who didn't even do the crime you were accused of, you took the fall for you best friend.

Finn: Adventurous

Finn loved going on little adventures and bringing you along with him, of course you were a little bit sceptical at first but ended up falling in love with it just as much as he did. You two always looked for the next big adventure or challenge to take on together.

Monty: pure

You and Monty were both shy little sweethearts, you more outgoing then he was but it didn't matter much. You two were such a pure couple, especially compared to the rest of the 100. All in all, you two waited until both of you were ready to make any advances in the relationship and you helped each other out with everything you could.

Jasper: loud

You and Jasper were the loud couple. He was always making jokes that made you burst out laughing. If anyone heard squeals they knew it was you and Jasper, if they ever heard playful yelling they again knew who it would lead them to. Of correct you had your serious moments but you two we're without a doubt labeled "the loud couple".

Murphy: tender

Yours and Murphy's relationship was tender. He was your pillow to cry on and you were his rock that he needed to keep him grounded. You were best friends and lovers, your relationship was understanding and you always encouraged and supported each other. (Unless he's holding Bellamy at gun point and hanging him but you know what im sayin)

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