Octavia// harmless

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For @Magcon_Girl1029


The orphan walked along side her two best friends, stealing glances at the unknown girl across the camp talking to Bellamy Blake

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The orphan walked along side her two best friends, stealing glances at the unknown girl across the camp talking to Bellamy Blake. "Who's that?" Anahy whispered, her brown eyes locked on the girl. Monty Green smirked, wrapping his arm around his friends shoulder and replying, "Octavia Blake, bubba."

Anahy looked to him, her cheeks red. "She's beautiful.." Jasper and Monty had been there for the girl ever since they were kids. Anahy's parents were floated when she was just a kid so she was under the system after that. Staying in the station with all the other orphaned children.

"Well why don't you go talk to her?" Jasper asked nudging the younger girl slightly. Anahy was only sixteen years old, majority of the people on earth were seventeen and eighteen.

Her brown eyes widened and her dark brown hair covered her burning red cheeks. "No I can't, she won't like me, she probably only likes guys anyway," Anahy replied with a shrug and continued to stare at the ground, "You'd be surprised." Monty said, but the subject was dropped after.

That was months ago.

Octavia and Anahy had officially met by stumbling into each other one day after Anahy was going to get some rest after spending the whole day with Jasper. Jasper who was unconscious from being strapped to a tree after having a spear to the chest.

They soon became the best of friends, talking every day, braiding each other's hair, and sharing a tent together. Anahy didn't hid her feelings towards the girl, she was shy one moment and then flirting with her the next. That's all Anahy thought it was though, harmless flirting.

Until Octavia started to flirt back.

It was small at first, harmless. Until it became a constant thing and then they started to act upon their words. It started out small, cheek kisses, cuddles, sleeping on the same cot. Then it was hand holding, kissing and sneaking off into the forest together.

That's what probably led them to being in the forest now, holding hands and walking through the large tress and beautiful plants. Grabbing a purple flower off a vine Octavia turned and placed it behind Anahy's ear. "There, a beautiful flower for my beautiful girl," Octavia said with a smile, placing her lips to Anahy's cheek.

Anahy grew red and they continued to walk. Their conversation was light and airy, they stopped when they came to a large tree, its branches holding lush green leaves.

Bellamy walked through the forest with Finn, Monty and Jasper hot on his tail. Their knives in hand as they walked, the four were hunting. Monty and Jasper were growing bored with Anahy not around as much so they decided it would be good for them to take up hunting and who better to ask than Bellamy and Finn?

When they heard a scream the four ran off in the direction it came from. When they got to a clearing their eyes widened when they saw Anahy tickling Octavia before the taller girl leant down and pressed her lips firmly to Octavia's.

Monty and Jasper high fived, Finn smirked and Bellamy stood in complete and utter shock. His sister was dating someone, his sister was dating an orphan, a criminal, his sister was dating a girl. And he didn't even hate Anahy.

No, Bellamy Blake found himself smiling.

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