#15 What you like about him (futures)

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You didn't really know why but you liked his cheeks. Maybe it was the way his little freakles that littered across his cheeks or when he smiled how his cheeks puffed up. You just loved his cheeks no matter how filthy they were.


You loved his hair, you loved the color and the length of his hair. So you loved to run your fingers through his hair and try to do new things to his hair which he hates.


You loved Montys smile, it was rare to actually see him smile unless he was around you or Jasper. But life down in earth changed him into a different person so when he smiled you felt like everything around the two of you light up. You just loved it.


His lips, you love how he's always willing to kiss you and you never really mind because his lips are so soft. Weather he's kissing your lips, cheek, forehead, or neck his lips were just so soft all the time and you loved it.


You loved Murphy's eyes. Never did he really look at you in the eye because he was... Nervous are you but you lived when he did because his eyes were so beautiful. So you savored every time your eyes met.

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