#27 Things you do together

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(This is a modern preferences)

Bellamy: Shave

You and Bellamy always shave together, you sitting on the side of the bathtub, you one leg up in front of you. Bellamy will rub the shaving cream on your leg for you, he gives you a head start on shaving. While he shaves his face and you shave your legs you talk about anything and everything.

Finn: Cook/ Bake

Finn wasn't a very good cook or baker but you still always had fun. Weather it was flour all over the kitchen or noodles in your hair, you always start a food fight once everything is cooking. Yes sometimes you forget and burn the food, but on those nights you normally just order Chinese.

Monty: Read

Well you read to him actually, you'll lay on your shared bed in your shared apartment. Your head will be resting on his legs and you'll read aloud to him, this normally ends up with the two of you drifting off to sleep.

Jasper: Spa

Jasper loves painting your nails, and you'll admit, he is good at it. But you never return the favor because he doesn't want his friends to laugh at him, but you will give him a massage after he gives you one.

Murphy: Binge

You two would always find a new t.v show on Netflix and binge watch. It didn't matter what the tv series was or if one of you didn't like it. You don't know why you guys did this, but it always seemed to relax you guys, and also who would give up being cuddled up on a couch watching a tv show with Murphy?

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