Bellamy// second chance

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This is for @Baileycs I hope you like it


I walked around camp with my best friend Finn doing nothing, neither of us really had a job around camp so its not like it really mattered.

"We should go do something," Finn said catching my attention, I turned to him a cocked my eyebrows making him laugh, "Don't give me that look Blondie." I myself started to laugh, ever since I met Finn he's called me blondie since I'm one of the few people with blond hair from the Ark. Everyone up there was so boring and looked the same. Everyone had dark hair and dark eyes, but my friend Clarke and I on the other hand... We had blond hair and blue eyes, one of the only differences between us was I was tall, almost 5'8.

"Bailey, doing nothing I see." Bellamy Blake said walking up to the two of us, I crossed my arms over my chest, I was tall but he was still taller then I. "Awe Blake, still an asshole I see." I replied, Finn's cheeks got red from trying to hold in a laugh and Bellamy got frustrated and left. Once he was out of sight Finn bursted out into laughter.

Too bad such a pretty face belonged to someone who was so annoying.


She's always with him. I don't understand, ever since we've been down on earth Bailey and Finn have been attached by the hip.

I've never really had a real conversation with her, I never know what to say, I freeze up and then the part of me that doesn't want to love her comes out.

But I do love her, I love everything about her. I love her long blond hair and her matching blue eyes, I love how she's not that much shorter than me. I loved how stubborn she is and never let anyone make her do something she didn't want to, she was sarcastic, and kind to anyone who was kind to her but was always loud.

I felt bad because I was always so mean to her, I didn't mean too, but I had a reputation to keep up as well. I'd honestly love to just talk to her and learn everything about her, but I couldn't, it wouldn't happen. Especially with Finn always by her side.

"Hey Bailey, why don't you come over here and let 'ol Murphy put you in your place?" Murphy said with a smirk, I saw Baileys face go from a smile to a frown which I hated. I loved her smile. "Come on baby-" I couldn't take it anymore, I ran up to Murphy and took him down to the ground my fist connecting with his face.

"Don't you dare ever look, or talk to her again you hear Murphy!" I yelled, he nodded, I stood up and gave me a hard kick to the side making him cry out in pain.

My blood was boiling, I couldn't believe he was actually trying to get her to have sex with him. She'd never want to.

"Why-Why did you do that?" I heard Baileys voice ask from behind me, I turned to her and shrugged.

"No one deserves to be talked to like that." I replied, she gave me a small smile biting her pink lip. She turned to walk away but I couldn't let her, now was my chance to talk to her.

"Uh Bailey can I talk to you?" I asked her, she turned around and nodded, I walked closer to her and scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I'm always such an ass to you and I don't mean it. I just freeze up and don't know what to say, and with Finn always around you doesn't help me so much. I'm just trying to say that I like you Bailey, and I'd love a second chance." I told her.

A smile formed on her face and she nodded, she started to walk away put turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me into a hug, I wrapped my arm around her waist and let myself melt into the hug for once.

"And just saying... Finn is like my brother." She whispered in my ear making me smile.

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