Murphy// without you

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I really hope you like this and I'm so sorry for the wait _bellark4life_


I ran and ran until I got down the muddy hill finding the huge group of teenagers surrounding my boyfriend.

I ran up to Bellamy and my twin sister Clarke who was yelling at Bellamy.

"You can stop this! They listen to you!" Clarke yelled to Bellamy.

"This is on you princess!" Bellamy yelled.

I sighed and ran my hand through my brown hair my light sky blue eyes meeting Murphy's cold blue ones.

Bellamy walked up to the box my boyfriend stood on and was ready to kick it when I puller on his black jacket.

"No Bellamy. Murphy didn't do it!" I yelled.

"Oh and how the hell do you know that? You were ordered to stay in camp after what hapoened to your leg!" Bellamy yelled back. I looked back up to Murphy and shook my head.

"When have I ever listened Bellamy? I was with Murphy all night keeping him company on watch. Murphy. Didn't. Do. It." I said slowly trying to get my point across. Bellamy sighed and noddhis.o the boys, they all helped Murphy down and I ran up to him wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner." I whispered to him.

"Its okay, Wells was your friend. You needed some time." He mumbled into my hair. I pulled back slightly from him noticing how my once clean shirt had gotten all muddy from Murphy, my black jacket staying clean somehow.

I looked over to my best friend and twin, Clarke gave me a small smile and nodded.

"Let's go get you cleaned up Murph." I whispered. He nodded and let me drag him away from the crowd.

Once we got to our tent and I washed off his face and patched up his wounds as best as I could he wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me to sit on his lap.

"What would I do without you Cor?" He asked me quietly.

"Let's not find out." I whispered leaning in to press my lips to his.

Sorry its short it was all i could make up in the time i have. Schools been crazy and i hope you understand 

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