#34 Your first date (modern)

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Bellamy: going to the movies.

Bellamy was already nervous enough to ask you out, so sitting across from you at a table and holding a conversation was not on his list of things to do. So he took you to the movies and let you pick anything you wanted, to his surprise it was an action film, after the movie he drove you back to your apartment where you invited him inside for a cup of coffee and to watch some late night spongebob squarepants with you.

Finn: out for dinner

Unlike Bellamy, Finn could and would hold a conversation with you for hours. He'd tell you all about the adventures he had been on and the ones he's planning on going on. Then would ask you all sorts of questions about yourself never forgetting to make you laugh and tell you how beautiful you look. Ending the night with a kiss on the forehead and promising to see you again soon.

Monty: town fair

You and Monty didn't want to have a serious date over dinner, you wanted to go out and do something fun, and get to know about each other that way. So the two of you waited for the fair to come to town before you packed up for the day and headed out. You went on rides, he won you prizes and took a million and one pictures to document the night and all the fun you shared. Needless to say, you went on many dates after that.

Jasper: paint balling

Again, not a traditional date. You two didn't like sitting still for very long and what better way to test your relationship then to shoot each other with paintballs? The two of you had the time of your life, even if you did wake up extremely sore the next day, Jasper came to your apartment with a cup of hot chocolate from your favourite cafe down the street.

Murphy: beach day

The two of you spent your day at the beach, you tanned, went swimming, and got countless ice cream cones. To end off your amazing day date, you got dinner on the pier and walked along the shore line, telling stories about your lives and really getting to know each other. You had a great time and called him the next day, inviting him over for a relaxing movie day in bed.

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