Bellamy// Shy

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This is for @newtgotmelike I hope you enjoy :)

I sat with my sister Clarke letting her play with my long blond hair, up ahead I saw Bellamy walking with Octavia and I smiled, "Hi Octavia, hi Bellamy," I said, Octavia gave me a large smile.

"Hey Sanne, how are you?" She asked referring to my dislocated knee that was now heeling.

"I'm doing better thanks, I'll be running circles around you in a matter of days," I joked, her and Clarke both laughed as Bellamy stood awkwardly looking down at him feet, I stared at him with my eyebrows frowned together, how come he's so shy around me?

Around everyone else he's so tough and hard and doesn't break, doesn't let anyone see what's underneath him. But the second I come around he's quiet and doesn't say a word after that, it confuses the hell out of me.


I stood beside Octavia butterflies in my stomach, my hands were shaking so I stuffed them into my jacket pockets, I let my head fall as I starred at the ground.

She has no ides what she does to me, she's so beautiful and sweet, she always wants to help everyone out which is even better. She's so selfless, I don't know why someone like her would ever like me.

I walked away without saying another word and headed towards Murphy and Miller. "And when are you going to tell little Princess that you like her?" Monroe asked with a smile. I looked at her in shock, How did she know? "Don't give me that look, its obvious." She said, I shook my head and looked as Sanne through her head back laughing. That made me smile.

"How about now?" Murphy asked, I looked at him and they both nod which made me sigh. I bid them goodbye and turned and walked towards the beautiful blond.

"Sanne, can I talk to you?" Her green eyes were beautiful as she nodded, I helped her stand up and walk over away from everyone. "I have to tell you something," I said, again she nodded. "I like you. A lot." A smile grew on her face.

"I like you too Bellamy." She told me, I felt a smile grow on my own face, "So what do you say," I started, "Sanne with you be my girlfriend?" I asked her, her smile grew wider and she nodded wrapping her arms around my neck, I wrapped mine around her waist and heard her whisper in my ear,

"I'd love to Bellamy Blake."

Then, our lips met for the first time.

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