#13 How you met

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You and your friends finally decided to go to one of the parties on the Ark. The theme tonight was club night. So you dressed in a pair of tight black jeans and a tight black v-neck.

"Come on!" Your best friend yelled pulling on your hand. Your groaned but let her drag you out of the room your sneakers shuffling across the ground as you dragged your feet.

When you got to the party people were already filing in, you were handed a drink right away and you gladly took it knowing it was going to be your only one tonight.

(Y/N) let's go!" Your best friend said pulling you to the dance floor, you smirked and danced with them in the middle of the dance floor until you met eyes with a man across the room he was smirking with his arms crossed over his chest. You looked around to make sure he wasn't looking at another girl but sure enough he was staring at you.

"Go talk to him." Your best friend said giving you a small smile, you opened your mouth to protest but she held up her hand, "no buts, go." She said pushing you towards him. You stumbled but caught yourself glaring back at your friend.

"Hi," you said smiling at him. He had dark black hair and brown eyes like most of the people on the ark, he had freckles across his face which you thought was the cutest thing ever.

"Hey," he smiled back making you relax a bit. "I'm Bellamy Blake." He told you sticking his hand out for you.
You placed your hand in his and smiled. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" You told him.


"Alright, (Y/N), let's go." Your best friend Murphy said, you groaned.

"But I don't wanna." You cried.

"I know but you have to." He scowled you, sticking your tounge out you walked off not looking where you were going. You could hear Murphy laughing behind you but you ignored him.

Maybe you should have paid attention to where you were walking though because you smacked into someone's back. You fell onto your butt and whimpered in pain.

"Oh crap are you okay?" A boy asked. You looked up to see a boy with growing brown hair and matching eyes. He held his hand out for you and you gave him yours.

"Yeah I think I'm fine." You said smiling up at him, you looked back to Murphy to fins him laughing at you.

"I'm Finn Collins." He said to you, you smiled and shook his hands.

"Well its an honor to meet the Spacewalker. I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" You said, he smiled warmly at you.


You were finally here. Earth. Never had you thought it would happen. 97 years of being trapped in a tin can up in space and you were finally free breathing in real fresh air.

"Hey (Y/N) I need your help." Your old friend Clarke said walking up to you.

"What no hug?" You asked with a smile, she chuckled and gave you a hug. You sighed and squeezed her shoulders. "Its good to see you princess."

"You too angel." She replied, you smirked at the old nickname you were given on the Ark.

"Alright so, what's our first adventure Clarke Griffin?" You asked linking arms with her. She brought you up to a group that already bad five people in it.

"(Y/N) this is Octavia Blake, Finn Collins, Jasper Jordan and Monty Green, everyone this is my good friend (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." Clarke said, you gave them a shy smile and a wave.

"Hi." You squeaked overwhelmed with all the eyes on you.

"Cute." You heard Monty whisper to Jasper. You felt your cheeks heat up.

"You're pretty cute yourself." You said to him walking off with Octavia.


You ran outside of your families apartment late for schooling. You mentally cursed at yourself, how would you sleep in?

Right as you got outside of your apartment the door to the one beside yours opened and you were met face to face by the boy you had lived beside for fifteen years but never said a words to, never even said hi to.

"Morning." He said giving you a smile.
"Uh good morning..." You trailed off feeling bad for not even knowing the boys name.

"Jasper, Jasper Jordan." He told you.

"Oh I'm-"

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N) yeah I know, your parents constantly talk about you to mine." He said your cheeks went bright read and so did his realizing how creepy it actually sounded. His goggles fell down onto your face which made you giggle. Reaching up you fixed them placing them back on your head properly.

"Thanks." He mumbled.

"No problem." You smiled.


You sat on the drop ship with 99 other kids and an unexpected rider.

You looked beside you to see a boy with long hair that curled around his ears.

"You okay?" He asked you with a smirk on his face.

"Peachy." You muttered gripping harder onto your seatbelts.

"Well I'm John Murphy." He said trying to get your mind off the fact that you were plummeting to earth at an ungodly speed.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You muttered squeezing your eyes shut. Murphy sighed to himself knowing later he may regret what he was going to do or be the happiest guy on earth.

He grabbed your hand in his and rubbed his thumb across your knuckles.

"Hey," he said getting your attention. "Everything's going to be okay." He told you, you nodded thankful for him trying.

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