#16 you wear his clothes

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You were working with Monty and Jasper making the 'unity juice' for the unity day party you were about to have when Jasper triped and spilt a glass of the alcohol all over you.

You grumbled to yourself and walked to yours and Bellamy's shared tent. You couldn't find a shirt that looked decently clean so you picked up one of your boyfriends black shirts. You took off your current shirt and put on his then your jacket. You walked back out of the tent and walked up to Octavia who was smiling and enjoying the festivities that was Unity day.

"Hey O." You greeted with a smile.

"Hey sister." She said wrapping her arms around you. "Hey is this, Bellamy's shirt?" She asked with a smirk a small blush came onto your face.

"Yeah Jasper spilt the Unity Juice all over my shirt." You explained.

"Well you look-" Octavia was cut off by her older brother.

"Hot." You blushed again and let Bellamy pull you into his side.

"Hey you guys enjoy your night." Octavia said wiggling her eyebrows, you stook out your tounge and she ran away.

"You know," Bellamy said putting his hands on your hips, you looked up at him with a shy smile wrapping your arms around his waist since you were so short. "You should wear my clothes more often. In fact, you should keep the shirt." He told you.

"But won't it get tiring seeing me in the same shirt everyday?" You asked teasingly.

"Not at all." He mumbled leaning down to press his lips to yours.


Today was extremely cold and without thinking you left your jacket in your tent, which is almost a 10 mile walk back to camp. You sighed and rubbed your arms up and down being able to see you breath in the cold air.

"Christ (Y/N) you're freezing." Finn said walking up to you.

"N-no, I'm f-fine." You chattered.

"No your really not." He said walking up to you and wrapping his jacket around your shoulders. You slipped your arms through the sleeves which made him laugh, the sleeves covered more of your body all together. Your boyfriends jacket was so big on you it looked like you were wearing a dress with extremely long sleeves.

"Don't laugh at me." You pouted as you struggled to do the jacket up. Finn chuckled and walked up to you grabbing each end of the jacket and doing it up.

"There you go beautiful." He said placing a single kiss on your lips.


You woke up earlier then your boyfriend which was new because you were always the one sleeping in. You looked to your boyfriend who just looked so peaceful you decided to leave him and let him sleep in a little longer. You crawled over him and onto the ground, today it wasn't warm but it was still a little chilly and your jacket was to hot for today, so after slipping on your clothes you decided to steal your boyfriends sweater. You put it on and zipped it up then threw your (H/C) into a ponytail and left your tent.

"Morning (Y/N)." Clarke greeted you.

"Morning." You replied.

"Nice sweater." She said with a smirk.

"Why thank you, I look just darling don't you think?" You asked playfully.

"Oh totally." She said with a smile playing along.

"Hey beautiful, have you seen- oh never mind I found it." Monty said walking up to you. You gave him a smile and Clarke walked away. "Well you look great." He said with a smile.

"Thank you love." You replied wrapping your arms around him, he met you half way in a kiss.


"Hey Jasperrrrr." You cried to your boyfriend.

"Hey babyyyy." He mimicked. You laughed slightly and rolled over so you were laying on his back.

"I'm bored." You mumbled into his back.

"Me too." He replied, you groaned.

"You're not helping me." You cried into his back, he just laughed. You looked up and your eyes landed on his one of a kind goggles. You slipped them off his head and slipped them onto your own.

"Babe, how do you think I look?" You asked him with a smile. You rolled off him and sat up crossing your legs, he looked up at you and smiled.

"You look beautiful sunshine." He said, the goggles fell down onto your face and he chuckled and pushed them back onto the top of your head.

"Maybe when we contact the Ark when can get them to bring you down a pair so we can match." Jasper told you, you blushed and covered your face with your oversized sweaters sleeves. "What?"

"You're so cute babe." You said leaning down and kissing him sweetly.


You woke up to the feeling of your boyfriends fingers running up and down your spine. You turned your head to look at him and smiled sleepily.

"Good morning." You mumbled stretching out your muscles right down to your toes.

"Morning." He replied. You sat up and placed your lips on his making him kiss you back almost instantly. "I want you to do something for me today." He said while you put your shirt on.

"Okay what is it?" You asked sitting back down in front of him.

"I want you to wear my jacket." He said, you nodded.

"Okay." You agreed. Instead of grabbing your jacket you grabbed your boyfriends and slipped it on, it was warm and still smelt like him which made you happy.

Murphy stood up and threw on his grey long sleeved shirt, he walked up to you with a tiny smile. "You look good." He said wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Thank you." You said wrapping yours around his neck.

"Now the whole camp knows you're mine." He said kissing you lightly.

"I'm pretty sure they already did." You said with a smirk.

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