Bellamy// take a risk

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Sorry for the long wait @-fanfic_lover- I was unsure if you wanted it to be a guy or girl so I just went with the girl one, I hope you don't mind :)

|third person|

Earth was nothing like anyone could have imagined, the vast greens, the blue sky, even the animals. The whole experience was amazing, it was beyond belief. 

But, Akio didn't care for any of that. He focus was more on the one and only Bellamy Blake than anything else. His curly hair, his freckled face and his broad broody shoulders. But mostly, the way he cared for her, his best friend.

When she was on the Ark, she was under the care of the system, her and her twin sister Jaylen were put into the orphanage because their parents were floated. They were floated for having twins, but that's something that is uncontrollable... when the twins found out they were enraged.

Later, to take their anger out of the Chancellor, they killed two guards after stealing extra rations. Their plan was to go to the skybox together, so when it was time to be floated they would still be together. But, fate works in funny ways the black haired girl found.

"Whats running through that mind of yours today?" Bellamy asked, sitting down beside Akio. "Nothing really." She said, giving him a shy smile.

Akio was unsure of how it happened, but after a few weeks down on the ground, she developed feelings for the twenty four year old. She didn't know if it was because of the way he protected her from everything harmful of if it was because in an odd way he took charge.

"When are you going to learn, you can't lie to me." Bellamy chuckled, leaning forward slightly trying to get a better look at the pale girl. "Come on Aki." He said with a smile, poking her chubby cheek. Akio laughed and swatted his hand away.

"Seriously Bell, its nothing important. Don't worry you fool." She laughed. "If you insist." He sighed.

Her beautiful green and blue eyes reminded Bellamy of what the earth looked like from the Ark. he would often look out of the large Ark windows, wondering how the generations before could do so much damage that the human race had to flee, but know, he knows that the last man who died on the ark was not the last person who saw earth.

A whole new race of men rose from the ashes of the burning earth and rebuilt a lifestyle, the grounders did that. "What's on your mind?" Akio asked, bumping shoulders with him. Bellamy shook his head and gave her a small smile.

"Nothing," he replied, "just thinking of the Ark." he admitted. "Why? That place was nothing but horrible to us Bell, we're free down here." She said grabbing his hand in hers.

Bellamy looked up to her, loving the feeling of her soft skin against his rough calloused hands. Thinking that she did something wrong, Akio tore her hand away from her crushes and folded them in her lap.

"What if some of us aren't?" Bellamy asked quietly, Akio looked to him with her eyebrows raised. "What do you mean Bell?" She asked.

"What if, someone liked someone else and they felt like they couldn't tell because it would change everything?" Akio shrugged her shoulders. "I think that person should just go out on a limb, because if they don't, they'll just be stuck wondering." She told him.

That's when it hit her, she needed to just go out on a limb. Even if she was unclear about Bellamy's feelings for her, she needed to do something to come to terms with herself. "Hey Bell?" She whispered. "Yeah Aki?" Bellamy asked looking to her.

Without thinking twice, she grabbed either side of his face and brought her lips to meet his. At first Bellamy did nothing, he was in complete shock, but after a few seconds he pressed his lips back to her. Wrapping his arm around her waist and bringing her onto his lap.

"Wow." She breathed, Bellamy smiled. "Yeah." Bellamy whispered against her lap. "I'm glad you took that risk Akio, because I'm not sure if I would have been able to do it myself."

Akio smiled and kissed him again, "Me too."

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