#24 You get mad/upset with him

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Just to let you all know, Murphy's isn't really mad or upset. I honestly don't know what it is 😂


I sighed, I looked over to Bellamy who was standing against a tree totally ignoring my gaze.

I felt my hands scrunch up into fists as I watched him look over to me and then look away, I stood up in rage and stormed off. I felt a pair of eyes on me and I looked over to see Clarke starring at me, she motioned me over towards her and I obeyed. Once I was at her she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so angry with him," I cried into her shoulder. She rubbed up and down my back sighing, "Yeah I know. It's Bellamy Blake, what can you expect?" she asked, I shook my head, "He's different," I told her, I pulled out of her hug slightly, "He changed and he changed for me. And I don't care how bitchy I sound right know Clarke, I can't and I won't lose him!" I said, I felt my hands clench and unclench and my ears turn pink, I was so mad at him words couldn't describe.

Things were going good between us and all of a sudden he became distant, he was so sweet and caring around me, yes he was an ass towards other people but I swear up and down and on my mothers grave that he changed towards me, and now here I am crying to my best friend about my boyfriend who I'm pretty sure wanted to break up with me.

"Can I move into your tent for a few days?" I asked her, she gave me a small smile and nodded, I returned the smile and headed towards mine and Bellamy's tent to grab the few thing I had. I was looking around the tent positive I had everything when I noticed one small thing, the necklace from my mom wasn't clasped around my neck.

I turned around angrily and found Bellamy standing there with his hands stuffed in his pockets, "What're you doing?" he asked, I scoffed, "As if you actually care." I mumbled. "I do (Y/N) and I get it, I haven't been around a lot lately but I can change that." Bellamy said, I looked up at him with a glare.

"No Bellamy, you can't just pretend like everything is okay now because its not, two weeks. Two miserable weeks I've been waiting for you to talk to me and for you to beg for me to stay with you but you didn't. You don't even come back to the tent anymore! I don't know what the hell is going on in your head but we promised to get through it together, and you clearly can't keep up your half of the promise." I said tears in my eyes, I picked up my things leaving the tent leaving Bellamy heart broken and my necklace in his hands.


I rolled my eyes when I saw Clarke and my boyfriend Finn walk through the gates laughing. I walked up to my best friend Murphy who gave me a weird look, "What's wrong?" he asked me. I looked at him before looking over my shoulder at the two. "What do you think?" I growled, he sighed and brought me into a hug.

"Murphy what the hell am I going to do?" I whispered, I felt his fingers run through my hair comforting me. "I have no idea (Y/N)." He sighed, we both looked over to the beautiful blonde and my boyfriend, they were smiling at each other with such love and adoration it almost made me sick.

"I'm gonna go talk to him," I said getting out if Murphy's grasp and heading off towards the two. "Finn can I talk to you," I said my jaw clenched tight as I tried not to snap. He looked at Clarke then to we sighing. I grabbed his wrist and stalked off towards the forest that surrounded our camp.

"What is it (Y/N), I was talking to Clarke. I turned around and glared at him, "Yeah like always! It's always Clarke this and Clarke that, I'm getting really sick and tired of it Finn. I exist too! Remember me? Your girlfriend! The girl who did nothing but except and love you for who you are! If you wanna date Clarke you need to tell me now because I'm do-" before I could finish my sentence I felt his lips on mine making me sigh.

Maybe I wasn't that mad.


I sat beside Monty and sighed, I laid on the dropship ground as he fiddled with something on the little work bench in front of him. I flung myself back onto the ground of the dropship letting the cool rough metal hit against my back.

I knew Monty was a quiet person, that's one of the many reasons why I fell in love with him, but lately his been more distant than usual and I don't understand why, he talks less, kisses me less just everything is less, everything just has no more effort.

I stood up and looked down to Monty who just stared at his work, I groaned. I climbed down the ladder and stomped out of the dropship, my anger towards him had slowly turned into fear that he was going to leave me which made tears well up in my eyes.

"Hey (Y/N), are you okay?" Jasper asked with worry clear in his voice, I shook my head. "Monty's gonna leave me." I cried rushing into his arms Jasper sighed rubbing my back up and down in a soothing manor. "Did he tell you that?" Jasper asked, I shook my head. "Well then, why would you think that?" Jasper questioned, I shrugged my shoulders. "Cause he's sing quiet and distant." I mumbled, "Go talk to him, I'm sure it's nothing." Jasper encouraged, I nodded wiping away my tears taking all my pride and heading towards the dropship again.

Once I was back upstairs to where Monty was working I sat back down beside him, "Talk to me." he looked at me like I was crazy which ended up making even more mad. "Monty I won't go on like this, you're so distant and quiet lately it's irritating, do you even want to be with me anymore? Because if you don't then you have to at least say something, this is becoming too much. It's not a one sides relationship Mont, if you want to be with me or if you don't now is the time to say something." I said trying to keep all my anger and rage inside myself.

"I want to be with you," Monty said quietly, "I just thought you didn't care about me." he mumbled. I pulled him into my arms placing a kiss on his forehead. "Of course I care Monty, I'll always care."


Jasper has been such a cocky little asshole ever since he 'killed' that grounder, but I know he didn't so now he's lying to me and the whole camp! It's so goddamn annoying, i'll I've felt towards my jerk of a boyfriend is anger, pure raging anger.

"You okay?" Monty asked as him, Octavia and I all stood together in a small group, "Just fine." I said clenching my fists together as I watched Jasper whisper something into a girls ear making her blush and laugh. I jaw clenched and I tried to resist the urge to punch her in the face.

My two best friends looked over to Jasper and the girl and their faces fell. I turned to Octavia with tears in my eyes but I pushed them back. "Can I stay with you?" I asked, she nodded. "Just go get your stuff and throw it in my tent, Bellamy already had another cot placed in there." she told me with a smile, I nodded and got up stalking past Jasper and the girl and towards the tent Jasper, Monty and I all use to share.

I got into the tent and gathered my few pieces if extra clothes, my blankets and pillow and anything else that belonged to me like my gun and knife. "What are you doing?" I heard Jasper's voice from behind me. "Moving out." I growled. I turned to him rage clear in my eyes. "You think that you can make a fake shot, flirt with other girls, and parented that everything is okay? Pretend like I'm gonna sleep in the same bed as you? Or kiss you? Or even look at you? If you thought any of that you're wrong Jasper, we're done. Have fun with your whores." I said storming past him.


Our lips moved together perfectly, our lips fit together like a puzzle piece. My hands locked in his long hair and his on my hips. I but down on his bottom lip and I felt his hands trail down my thighs and then back up towards the bottom of my pants. I put my hand on his and broke our kiss.

"Murphy no." I said looking into his stormy blue/grey eyes his staring back at my (E/C). "Okay, fine." he said attaching our lips again. His soft pink lips started to make a sloppy wet trail down my neck making a small moan escape my swollen lips. His hands cupped my butt making me push them back up to my back. His one hand stayed there as the other trailed up my stomach and towards my boobs.

I broke away from his lips and stood up, "What?" Murphy asked, "Can't you take a hint Murphy? I'm not ready." I growled frustrated. He sighed running his hands through his hair. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry." he sighed.

He held his hands out for me and I slowly walked forward letting him grab my waist again. He pulled me down to sit on my lap wrapping his hands around my waist and burring his face in my neck. "You let me know when you're ready baby girl." he mumbled into my neck, I nodded.

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