#12 You get lost

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"Have any of you seen (Y/N)?" Bellamy asked a group of kids they all shook their heads.

You had been gone for two days and Bellamy was starting to get worried, he walked up to a group of his 'friends' also known as the hunting party.

"(Y/N)'s missing, she hasn't been seen by anyone in a while. We're gonna go after her." The group nodded. The group of kids liked you pretty well, all you ever were was nice to them and you made Bellamy soften up a bit, that ment he went easier on them.

Bellamy gave each kid directions on where they were going to go look and he went by himself. If he found you he didn't want anyone else to see his reaction.

Bellamy had been out for a few hours and he was starting to lose hope. What if the grounders killed her? He thought to himself. Nah she's stronger then that. He thought again. By the time he turned around to head back to camp it was sunset, any last shred of hope he had was ripped away from him.

Once he got back to camp he found a group of kids huddled around someone, Clarke yelling orders to step back. He walked up to the group and pushed kids away. Once he saw it was you and was by your side just as quick.

"Where the hell were you!? I thought the grounders got you! (Y/N) what were you thinking?" He said bombarding you with many questions.

"I was out getting medicine and then I saw a really pretty butterfly." You explained. Bellamy shook his head and chuckled, you were always easily distracted by the beautiful things earth had to offer.

"On the plus side," Clarke began. "She got enough medicine to last use a month." She finished.


You and Finn had gotten into a fight which led you to running away and not looking back. He was so mad he didn't even bother to chase you.

But after an hour he realized something, you had only been in the forest twice and both times he was there. But he didn't want to go after you yet knowing you will needed time to yourself.

But when you didn't go back to the tent that night Finn knew something was wrong.

So first thing the next morning her told Bellamy and went into the forest to find you.

After hours of searching he did, you were laying on the ground with a stream of blood trailing down your face. You had a little run in with the grounders.

He pulled you into his chest and tears streamed down his face, the first and only  thing that came to his mind was;

This is all my fault.


You had gone out on a hunt that would last you a few days maybe three at the most, but now seven days had passed and Monty was worried. He walked up to Bellamy bringing the problem to the man that was already worried for the safety of one of his only true friends.

"Something's wrong, she should have been back by now." Monty said to him. Bellamy nodded his arms crossed over his chest.

"I know. I'm going to take some kids out and look for her." Bellamy told the worrying boy.

"I'm going to go." Monty said, he wasn't going to take no for an answer.
"I don't know..." Bellamy trailed.

"No I am. Just give me a gun and let's go." He said, Bellamy, shocked handed Monty a gun and rounded up some teenagers.

Monty wasn't going to lie, he was scared shitless but the only girl besides his mother that he loved was missing, and he was going to find her.
He searched for hours and hours until he saw you, you were on the ground huddled by a tree asleep.

"(Y/N)?" He questioned, when he saw you respond to the call he ran full speed ahead to you.

"Monty?" You groaned opening your eyes.

"Oh god (Y/N), thank god you're okay baby." He said taking you not his arms and placing his soft pink lips all over your scratched and bruised face.
"I missed you." He mumbled.

"I was so scared." You cried. He wrapped his arms tighter around you.

"Its okay baby, I got you." He whispered.


You went with Octavia to look at something but had taken a wrong turn and completely gone off track.

You both had been out there in the forest for about five days, you were hungry and didn't know what and what you couldn't eat.

Finally you heard people calling your names. One of them which made you smile.

"Jasper!" You yelled getting to your feet.

"(Y/N)!" Jasper yelled back, you still couldn't see each other but you could hear each other.

Bellamy and Octavia where yelling to each other as well. You couldn't hold it in anymore and started running towards Jaspers calls.

"Jasper!" You yelled again. He finally came into view and you both ran towards each other with smiles on your faces.

Once you got to each other with smiles on your faces you threw your arms around him placing your lips on his.

"Are you okay?" He asked, you nodded. "Are you sure?" You nodded again and said;

"Just a little hungry." He laughed and placed his lips back to yours.


You had been lost forever and everyone had given up hope when they found your swoard stuck in a tree and blood everywhere.

No one knew that yes you did get lost but Lexa had taken you into her clan and started to train you as a warrior grounder and her second in command. You had told her all about your boyfriend Murphy and she accept the fact that this kind of love made you stronger not weaker.

But with you living a great life, Murphy was living in a hell. He thought you were dead and was losing hope. He knew you is whole life and knew you wouldn't just give up but you had been gone for over a month and his heart was breaking more and more everyday.

But when the grounders had set camp up with your people you were training with some men when you took them all down. You heard clapping and saw Lexa standing with someone who you hadn't seen in a very long time.

"Murphy?" You asked.

"(Y/N)?" He whispered. You nodded. He ran up to you and wrapped you up in his arms. You gripped onto his jacket tears streaming down your face runing your war paint.

"I can't believe you're really here." He whispered into your hair.

"I've missed you my love." You whispered in his ear. He pulled back so he could see your face and dipped his head down to capture your lips.

"Guys guess who's back!" He yelled dragging you to the group of people who weren't trapped in mount weather.

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