Bellamy// Home is your arms.

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I sat with Raven and waited for something, anything to come up on the radio. "Hello.... can anyone.... HEAR ME!" It kept cutting in and out but I knew, I knew the sound of Bellamy's voice unlike anyone else. "Raven, can you give me a minute?" I asked, the girl nodded and left the room. 

"Bellamy? Bellamy baby I'm here!" I responded, I heard a sigh of relief on the other side. "Thank God. Are you safe?" His voice had now calmed, the connection was a little fuzzy here and there but I didn't mind. This was the first time I heard his voice in awhile now. "Me? I'm fine. The question is, are you okay?" I shot back. There was silence for a second before Bellamy whispered, "They're just kids Hanna. Cute little kids who are so... innocent." His voice was soft and broke at the end, it sounded like he was going to cry. 

"Bellamy you don't need to do this." I told him, I always loved the thought of having a kid but, I could never do that down here. "I have to, I need to protect you." He said, I smiled and then sighed. "I'll go over everything again and try to figure out another plan where not everyone has to die okay?" I asked him. "Thank you." He replied before Raven walked back in. 

"Princess wants to talk to him." she said giving both Bellamy and I a warning she was coming in the room. I set down the radio and moved to stand beside Raven. Clarke walked in with a grounder behind her making me roll my eyes. "What? Afraid you're going to get shot in the Ark?" Raven sassed. "Go wait outside." Clarke told the grounder who eyed us before walking out the door. "Lexa's orders." She told us. "We don't care Clarke." Raven told her. "So are we taking orders from the grounders now too?" I asked without thinking. "No, we're not Hanna, you have nothing to worry about." Clarke told me. I nodded. 

She picked up the radio and without greeting Bellamy in anyway shape or form she said. "How's the acid fog coming?" we waited a few seconds before Bellamy replied. "It's going to have to wait." Clarke was now fuming with what Bellamy told her. "What do you mean it's going to have to wait!" Raven and I both sighed with how she was reacting. "Our friends have been locked up in a room and one by one they're taking them out, we don't know where too." Bellamy told them, "Have you tried following them?" Raven asked. "Yeah, but they go into a restricted area and even I'm not dumb enough to go in there." Bellamy replied. 


I helped Bellamy as much as possible, when we make him go with an ear piece and a walkie he could take anywhere with him. As much as I wanted to help more I couldn't, we didn't get everything from Monty which didn't help us currently.  

"You don't have to go Bellamy, we can get someone else to." I told him, he sighed and looked down at me. "Who Hanna? All the people strong enough to go are in the mountain. Everyone else here isn't suitable for this, I'll be fine okay?" He rubbed his hands up and down my arms as he looked in my brown eyes. A tear fell from my eye and Bellamy's face fell. "Please, don't cry H. I'll be back, but for now I need you to be my guard punching badass, okay?" I laughed a little and nodded. "Okay Bell." I whispered. He put his hands on either side of my face and brought my lips to meet his. "May we meet again." Bellamy whispered against my lips. "May we meet again." I replied. 

He started to walk away and before I could stop them, the words fell out of my mouth like word vomit. "I love you." I said quietly, I didn't think he heard me, but the way he stopped for a second before walking on told me other wise

"Hanna, Hanna it's time to go." Raven said shaking my shoulder, I looked up to her and nodded. "O-Oh okay." Standing up I followed her out the gates of the camp with Kyle Wick by our side. The tension between them was think and I could't help but think of what happened to them.


"Stay close, okay Hanna? You're the only one without a weapon." Octavia said to me, "Bellamy hasn't let me have one since last time." I replied, she nodded. "I know." I followed her and Clarke into the tunnels. It was quiet and eery as we walked. Something also happened between Octavia and Clarke which made me upset, all my friends were turning against each other and I don't know why. 

We came to a door and sighed. "It's locked, it looks like the only way to get inside and out is to use the keycard Bellamy was talking about." I said inspecting the large metal door, they reminded me of the Ark. The door started beeping and Octavia grabbed my arm pulling me back and behind her. Clarke held her gun up and aimed at the door while Octavia held up her weapon ready to kill. The door opened and Bellamy stood with Monty and Jasper on either side of him. "Bellamy!" Octavia cried and ran up to him. I hugged both Jasper and Monty before turning around and being face-to-face with Bellamy.

I ran into his arms finally feeling at home again. "I missed you so much." I cried into his shoulder. "I missed you too." He breathed. Finally, after what seemed to be forever he finally kissed me. "Hanna, I love you too." He said before kissing me again.

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