CH2. Sawadeeka Thailand

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@Bangkok, Thailand

(Eunha's POV)

We arrived at the final destination and looking from the plane window to the open airport, it had already been bombarded with fans.

"Walk past the fans and stay with the group." Jaebum handed us our extra bags from the top.

While we walked out I locked arms with Shinmi

"Omg! Its ShiHa!" ShinHa, Shinmi and my OTP...

We were separated from the other group and only had two securities blocking us.

"Eunha! Eunha! When will we see ChanHa?!" A fan screamed towards me and pushed to the front.

"Don't answer that Eunha." ShinMi gripped my arm tighter and pulled me forward.

I looked back and screamed, "Well I hope to see it myself one day too!!" I waved.

"Girls!" Jaebum grabbed my wrist and pulled us to the van. I shut the door with caution to make sure no one would be hurt.

"Geesh. Eunha you're causing yourself scandals." ShinMi laughed.

Jaebum chuckled, "What'd she do this time?" It wasn't a surprise of me.

"The fans were screaming for Chanha. And Eunha she..." ShinMi motioned me to speak.

"Well they asked when Chanha would come true. I just answered that I would like to see that too."

"If you get hated on by Exo-L's. That's your fault."

"Well everyone knows I've had a celebrity crush on him since forever." I shrugged whatever.

A while later, "Hey girls look out your windows."

"We're staying here?" we looked at the run down motel that we stopped at.

"Yeah. Get out and start unpacking."

"Nu uh. Um not staying in that." Nami kept her seat belt on.

We followed her actions and boycotted.

"Well we haven't got the money to get a luxury hotel for you. Go ahead and sleep in the car." He stopped the engine and unlocked the doors.

He didn't step out the car but waited for us to get out first.

"Don't be ungrateful. Let's go." Insu pushed through our legs and got out first, "Seulra let's go."

"Don't drag the Maknae like she's your baby!" Nami pulled Seulra back in.

"Alright girls. I'm kidding. But promise to keep your eyes closed until we get there. It'll only take thirty minutes." Jaebum called Insu and Seulra back in.

Nami and I laughed, "You think we could keep shut for a half hour?!"

"That's what I thought. So I brought these. Sleep if you girls want." he gave us cute animal eye masks.

I received a cute tiger. While Jinmi had a panda, ShinMi had a pig, Nami had a turtle, Insu got a cat, Seulra got a monkey, and Minsyuk received a Bunny.

It seemed like Jaebum put lots of thought into this. We all had our favorite animals. I easily fall asleep on any car ride and to add to that Jaebum played the slowest songs ever!!

"If You" BigBang

My arms shot up and waved in the air, "If Youuu~~!!" I heard ShinMi and JinMi chime in with me, "If Youuu!!!"

JinMi squealed and took the words from my mouth, "They're so awesome." Even with the mask on i was able to picture JinMi fangirling.

"Can you play some other song? You should know they won't stay quiet with this kind of music!" Nami complained and growled.

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