CH 33. Shining Like Them (Final)

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The day after tabloids released statement about Eunha.

CHANYEOL: Are you okay?

CHANYEOL: I'm sorry if I caused this. Please, if you're having problems you can just talk to me. I was a jerk for saying we couldn't be friends anymore.

CHANYEOL: If you see this anytime soon please tell me how you're doing.

A month later

Eunha looked at her thousands of messages from Chanyeol for the hundredth time and hesitated to answer.

She knew it wasn't his fault for her problems; she was just crazy to begin with. But she couldn't bring herself to even type the word 'Hi'. Eunha put her phone down, "Can I go outside? It's cold in here."

The nurse attending her aid allowed her only if someone accompanied her. The nurse rolled Eunha to the garden roof.

"Nurse Yoo. Why are people so cruel in this world? Why can't they just mind their own business."

"Well I don't know... They've probably been through things themselves."

Eunha didn't believe that concept in bullies. Aren't they just born thinking like that?

They reached the rooftop garden and Eunha took a deep breath. She didn't know when she'll breath nature's air anytime soon. She reached for the roses and a prick poked her finger, "Was a simple rose born to hurt people?" She sucked on her finger that was bleeding.

Nurse Yoo became frantic, "We must go get a bandage!" The nurse worried and started pushing to the wheelchair to the elevator.

Eunha held Nurse Yoo's arm, "But I just got up here. Can you go get it yourself?"

Nurse Yoo looked out and bit her lip, "I can't. Who knows what you'll attempt."

Eunha squeezed her arm tighter, "I promise I won't do anything. You trust me don't you?" She blinked multiple times and begged cutely.

"Alright. But I'll only be a minute." The nurse rushed down the stairs.

Once Eunha was sure the nurse was gone she stood up and stretched, "Ah! Feels so cool out here." She walked around the garden and looked over the roof.

"Geesh they're acting as if I'm dying. I just broke my arm during the fall." She reached over the ledge to feel a breeze. The streets were right below her if she were to fall.

"Eunha!!!" A voice called.

She freaked and pulled her hand back, "I wasn't doing anything!" She squealed and prepared herself for a punishment. She slowly turned while trying to make up an argument that she wasn't going to attempt suicide again, "Chan-Chanyeol?"

He ran over to her and grabbed her hands, "You haven't been answering me. It's been a month, are you okay?"

Her hands shook in fear and she looked around while crouching down, "Why are you here? They're gonna see us!"

His brows furrowed, "Who? What's wrong? Do you need to sit?" He tried to stand her up but she covered her head and looked down.

"You shouldn't be here. Like they said I'm a lunatic."

"Who said that to you? Eunha! Answer me."

She didn't answer. The second time he asked the same thing, she responded, "You couldn't have just left me alone?"

He was shocked by her attitude, "What? Eunha, I'm worried about you."

She slapped his hands away and hurriedly trudged to the elevator, "You're just worried about your reputation."

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