CH 29. Sleeping Beauty

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(Author's POV)

After the call ended with Doctor Park, Xiumin glanced down to Insu. Even with the parka she shivered. Her hands were clammy but still holding onto Xiumin.

"Just like sleeping beauty and snow white? She doesn't need a friend!? Then what am I..." Xiumin started blushing and couldn't hold his grin. Just thinking of his conclusion made him excited, "Am I the prince charming!?" he checked to see if his volume was waking Insu, but it wasn't. Then Xiumin made a cute sly expression.

He knelt beside her, "Please wake up insu." He prayed.

She didn't budge. He tried again twice as harder and squeezed the life out of her hand.

Yet there was nothing. He pecked her hand and preyed again. Nothing.

He leaned in and pecked her cheek, she was only breathing like a normal person in a coma. He grew aggravated, "What do you want?! Doctor said not my boy thing!"

Insu heavy breathing calmed and her grip became looser on his hand.

The main idea of SnowWhite and SleepingBeauty finally overcame his thoughts, but he was afraid to make the move and get punched in the end. That was how all-real life situations ended!

Xiumin tightly shut his eyes and leaned in closer to her. Her beautiful features came to his face and he was sorry it had to be in this setting. If she were awake, Xiumin wanted to do something more enchanting and do an official confession. His adrenaline was pumping; his heart was fighting to come out.

He forced their lips together. Xiumin pushed himself forward to emit more of his feelings to her, but she still hadn't budge. Xiumin let go and sat back regretting the kiss, she didn't awaken to him. He felt that magic in those fictional stories was not with him and Insu.

Xiumin looked helplessly at her. He tried to brush off the feelings and awkwardly chuckled to himself, "Maybe I just fell to easily. Am I wrong?"


DoctorPark: If the first time it didn't work, try again. Don't hold anything back... scratch that! You better hide your perverted side away! Im talking about... don't hold back your feelings. She'll receive it and give back. Trust me, I can feel it. Just don't force it, let it slide. But not you boy thing!

Xiumin furrowed his brows, "You'd think a doctor would know how to use words other that Boy thing! How'd he know it didn't work. This guy always creeping around isn't he." The idol looked back at Insu, "I'll try once more but if this doesn't work, I'll be embarrassed and my pride will crumbled." He sat beside her, came closer and held himself over her by putting both arms on each side.

Xiumin slowly shut his eyes and his lips trembled as it came in contact with hers. The second time became genuine and more intoxicating; he couldn't stop himself with a simple peck. As a man, he wanted to devour it all when the weak cat was defenseless. But as a human being in love with a soft vulnerable and complex soul, he couldn't do the unthinkable. Xiumin halted himself before things got worse for him and Insu. Before separating their lips he took a last look and smiled.

He tried to pull himself away but a sudden movement brought him back to her lips. Xiumin was confused, as he knew he had just pulled away. Scanning the situation, he found Insu being the one who was pulling him to her body. Instead of him making the move to go deeper, Insu was pushing further. Xiumin wanted to fight it and stop her, but another thought had him continue.

She finally relaxed and they were staring at each other. Insu became wide mouthed and whispered, "Did I do that?

Xiumin couldn't process her sudden attack, yet he still enjoyed it and grinned, "You just pulled me in and wow." He grazed his hand against her cheek, "You feeling okay?"

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