CH 17. Back to School

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(Eunha's POV)

The Friday had arrived and the house was still full of snores at 7am.

Everyone has taken note that idols have come to support Jem through their hardships with family. Articles have been published throughout the week. Headlines like

The Girls are Back

Our Eastvale's babies now are world sensations! Crystal, Samie, and Jamie are to come back and perform their hearts out and show us how they've grown. International Kpop girl group has taking us by storm with hitting over millions of views and having a fanbase of hundreds of thousands! The three girls came from a high school ranking #4 in the US, RJD High and now their representing for their school! Go Mustangs! Come see their performances with a couple of their their friends, EXO BTS MISSA and FX, on Friday at RJD, 11am.

Posts on social media had me really like "WTH" Mostly the people who go to RJD, their posts are hilarious!

posts saying things like, "@shinin_eun I've missed your smile in classes. Call me sometime so we can hook up." First of all, we were in some classes together, but i never talked to this guy ever. Second, ew~ I have a boyfriend people.

"This little boy gonna get it if i see him in the bleachers if I see him. whats his picture." Chanyeol looked through his profile.

"We were like best friends and now shes totally forgot about me... Sam we need to hang out again. @Shinmi_Kwon"

Jamie, aka Jinmi, cried real tears while reading comments about her, "I should've confessed when you were right beside me. I remember sitting with you at lunch. Why couldn't i have looked at you and seen the beauty now? @official_JamieK."

"This guy never sat with me, he was with his group of friend that sat beside us! My beauty?! You mean this!?" She made a derp face and gave my phone back to me.

While i was scrolling through most students were either confessing or boasting how they knew i existed in high school... But there was one that really ticked me off the moment i glanced at it...

Here's the deal. I had or have a rival in RJD high. Jessica and I were the closest in the beginning of freshman year. Until two months later she got annoying and rumors about me from her were revealed. I dealt with it until the end of the school year an practically dissed her through a "Thank You" presentation.

I basically said, "Thank you for showing me the b****es in the world. Thank you for listening to my presentation by suckers!"

And yah. We didn't end our relationship on a good note.

Her post "#Jem#Crystal#eunha she's not talented! Wait only talented at one thing. Breaking innocent people's hearts. We used to be the best of friends until she bullied me. She is a low life "celebrity." She shouldn't be able to come and perform or little act here. If I get a thousand likes I'll reveal her dirtiest secrets."

RapMon had the most to say, "This little b****** she doesn't f**** know anything. No one messes with my ***** best friend. Who does she think she ****** is!? Sh** will go down if I ***** see her!"

"Calm bro." I chuckled and patted his shoulder.

We hurried downstairs and ate ramen, then headed to the school for rehearsals.


I hesitated to get out and take the first step back on campus.

"To hurry it out! It's getting hot in here!" Nami shoved me out.

We had to walk through the PE area to reach the stadium and students were sitting on their number.

They began noticing one by one, "Isnt that Crystal? It is! Ah!!! They're here!"

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