CH5. Free Style

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(Eunha's POV)

"Ay Eunha. That was cool." RapMonster was one who understood my argument fully.

"What happened?"

"Are we finished?"

"That was so confusing but the director looked mad..."

"Is Eunha alright? She just exploded out of no where."

"What are we going to do now? We don't know how to edit and put these things together. We can only film!"

I explained in Korean, "They quit because of my outburst, I sincerely apologize to everyone who is working hard with us. But please bear with it. He was insulting everyone here and I couldn't stand it. Can we still get this done?" I asked the KBS Concert director.

"We have no one else that can edit all the things we planned... We have to cancel it. And do a simple thing for the intro. I'll call the writers to change the MC cards." He pulled out his phone.

"Actually! Stop." I went to the cameras and checked the things we have already filmed, "Lets finish what we planned. If I get these footages and into my laptop, I can edit it the way it was imagined to be."

The Concert director, staff, and idols grew big glistening eyes of hope.

"We can say we lost a good director, but gained a better one." I smiled and gave out a funny pose.

"Can we finish?" I pleaded the director, "Just keep finishing the scenes and we'll be ready tomorrow."

He gave out a sigh of relief, "Alright."

I got back to my seat and the cameras started rolling again.

"Just have fun." The concert PD called and popped confetti.

We raised our tiny teacups and cheered.

"So you really blew." RapMonster laughed while he was seated in front of me with BTS.

I nodded, "I'm surprised you didn't. That guy really had some guts to come in and freaking act like that."

RapMon agreed and clanked cups with me, "To Eunha who exploded and freed us from confusing misery."

"To me!" We hysterically laughed with ourselves and finished the filming with an awesome day.

"I don't need the individual cuts. I can edit better than that old guy could ever do." I took the tapes and held them in my bag, "If you want this completed by tomorrow, I have to leave right now. Let's go Chanyeol. You help me." I held his hand and dragged him out the restaurant set.

We got in the elevator, "Aren't you overly confident with your editing skills." He chuckled and pressed the room floor.

"Eh I know. I exaggerated. I don't exactly need the rest of the day. Just three hours. I actually need help with my compositions for the new album."

"Ah... And I'm talented enough to help you. You know I'd make it better with my works." He tapped his head and gave a derp smile.

We got to the room floor, "I'll go get my computer and meet you in your room." Chanyeol stopped in front of EXO's door.


I closed the room door behind me and got welcomed by messy hell, "What the heck! I don't remember it being like this!" I hurriedly cleaned the clothes from the floor and threw the makeup into the cases. Made the beds and cleaned the dining table.

I wonder how mess the boy's dorms are. I ran around forgetting I was in a ball gown.

"How can girls be this messy!" I threw all the bags in the rooms and got changed to comfortable casual clothes. A shirt and jeans.

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