CH10. Reasoning

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It was true though, i hardly talked to him...

"So that what it all about!?" Shinmi gave out the stupid look while in awe; finally realizing the reasoning for Nami's attitude.

I face palmed and shook my head in amazement.


Nami stopped all sewing/designing and checked her phone and then locked it so we wouldn't be able to get any glance at the screen.

"Ricky~!!!!" SHinmi and I sang outloud.

"SHhhh!!!! You'll embarrass me." She showed a bright red on her cheeks.

We grinned.

"He wants to meet at the usual... Tonight."

"Don't you think you two have been meeting up to often lately, the press has already suspected something." I became concerned for her.

"We can just be like you and Chanyeol. Everyone knows we're best friends. Anyways, Ricky friend zones me every time we meet up. Bringing up thins about other female idols and talking about how we'll always be together like FAMILY!"

I couldnt help but snicker just a bit, "Family! Lets be family!" I mocked.

NAmi pouted and huffed, "It's not fair. You were in Ricky's position. I understand how poor Channie felt..."


(Nami's POV)


"Wheres my lip gloss!!???" I panted around the room and tore the place apart, "MY lipgloss!!!???"

Eunha and everyone else were lounging in the living room while watching Running Man.

"Why do you have to pretty up every time? Ricky already knows your'e ugly inside and out so no point right?" Minsyuk stuffed her mouth with popcorn.

"Yah so now Iv'e been trying to change that! He should see me as a woman!" I stomped and whined, "My Gold Lips brand is my top priority when applying makeup!!!!"

"Geesh who would've thought that she'd actually go on a rampage if she lost it." Seulra pulled the lip gloss out from the couch cushions and threw it.

Nami dove and cupped her hands, "ARE YOU CRAZY! You're lucky i can catch!" I got on my knees and blew on the bottle.

"Isn't it time for you to leave already?" Jinmi poured the bag of chip into her mouth and spread her legs around, "Ha! RUnning Man is so hilarious!"

"I'm leavin now!" I hurriedly put on my shoes and ran out the door.

I don't want to show that I'm always a slacker during dates!!! I took a taxi to the usual.

"Hello Grandmother." I greeted the old lady who owned the family restaurant.

i sat at the usual table and applied the lip gloss with the time i had.

*ring ding

The bell from the door jingled. My expected reaction was no where near his expectation.

"Whats with the face?" He slid into the chair and picked up the menu, "You prettied up for him didn't you? But its me! Little Old Chunji(TeenTop)." He put the menu down and smiled wide to where his cheeks hid his eyes.

"YAhhh... Ha..." I chuckled sarcastically.

"If your'e wondering, he fled because a friend from high school called him over to Busan. So here I am! I didn't want you to be left alone or flaked on."

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