CH8. Unanswered

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(Eunha's POV)

{Shut door}

"SHhh.... everyone is sleeping." Chanyeol had his hands in his pockets and

rocked on his heels, "We can just sit out here." he sat against the wall first.

Of course my first words to him were, "Did you see all the articles?"

"Yah... That's why i called you out."

"The one that caught me off guard was the pregnant thing... I'm really sorry if any of this is hurting your career."

He insisted with his hands, "No no no it's fine. It really doesn't bother me. But are you alright?"

"I've told Jaebum the truth except for the time we went into separate cars and made the mess. I don't want Vixx oppas to get in trouble."

"Good girl." He petted my hair with his giant hand, "I couldn't answer but you already did so I guess it'll be easier for me now."

I scoffed sarcastically, "Thanks oppa."

His hands started trembling and his feet jittered all over the place, "Umm... so... does.. Does Chanha not mean anything to you? I've already told you that ChanHa is something that means a lot to me."

"You know that time when i first met you, i was close to fainting?"

He laughed, "Yah! And you were trembling so much. It was cute."

Cute? I was cute?

"You aren't supposed to call me cute. Remember when I first met Kai?"

He pouted and his body relaxed, "Yes, I really dreaded it. I was lonely at the side while you kept getting all comfortable on each other at the concert..."

"We weren't like that, you're exaggerating. But thats called jealousy. You aren't supposed to feel that." I put my hands down and got close to giving up.

"What's wrong with that? I know what those feelings are." Chanyeol's eyebrows furrowed and he was finally getting the point.

I didn't want him to feel jealous, call me cute, nothing close to something that can turn into a THING. It'l become a larger burden than anything I can handle.

"Oppa~ Everyone knows i was in love with you as a fan. The public still thinks I like you, but they think i'm using my fame to get close to you."

He laughed, "Do you think I care about that? I can't believe it. You're trying to indirectly reject me, even when I haven't said anything?"

"No! That is not what I mean." It is... Gosh I'm terrible. His frown is deepening, the more I decide to speak.

"So is it more that, you became famous and lost interest in me?"

My jaw drop then grew to a smile, "Um... No... Look oppa,  just don't want these rumors to get out of hand. I've stated numerous of times that we are not together. If it turns out that we actually have something, it'll be death attacking us."

"Eunha. Do I like you? Have i even said that? You can just be foolishly ranting your mouth when I don't even feel a thing about it."

His gaze became one of not Chanyeol's. It was lifeless. I felt the urge to flee from embarrassment.

"Well I'm sorry. It's already late. We have to get some sleep for tomorrow." I slid up the wall and trudged to my door, I couldn't look at Chanyeol, my feelings became the reason for our relationship as best friends to wither away.


I was pushed against the wall and Chanyeol's hand was beside my face.

It was something only a corny guy would do, those dramatic climaxes in KDramas. It's practically every girl's dream because it hot and rough. kekekeke. Chanyeol did one in EXO NEXT DOOR.... Yes, i was furiously jealous...

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