CH 27. Alter Egos

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(Author's POV)

Insu was huffing and her eyes showed a sign of viciousness.

"Insu! What are you doing?!" Dr.Park fell back.

She glared back at him and scowled, "God this old man again."

"Insu?! Who the hell is Insu?!" She screamed to Dr.Park.

The doctor was puzzled at Insu's outburst, "It can't.... She's back?" After a full silence, he looked up to her, "Minsu?"

"Oh course it's Minsu! This damned Insu girl called me back cuz she was in trouble. But those damn people over there were holding me back!" She darted her eyes at the nurses who were hiding her, "I really wonder how she got around without us."

Doctor Park stood up and handled the situation, "Insu. I-i mean Minsu. Turn behind you."

"You don't tell me what to do when I don't want to do it! I'm turning, not because an old rat like you told me to-, "She turned on her heels, "Oh... Well I'll be damned. Who the hell are you and why are you harassing a lady like that?" Minsu chuckled and scanned the situation, "So it's like that." Minsu understood why Insu called her out. It had been more than two years since Minsu had come out from the other inner Insu personalities.

Minsu grinned before getting into character, "Are you a patient with SAD? ... Why didn't you tell me?! If I knew you were gonna get obsessed with someone other than me, I would've just kept you at home, all to myself! Why do you like doing this to me?!" She fell to her knees and cried.

"Who are you?" The patient was still tense.

"You don't remember me!? After all these years? These people probably brain washed you to forget me! Come back to me and we'll go home together!"

"Minsu!" Doctor Park almost tackled her down but she motioned him to stay back.

The patient gasped and dropped the knife, "I'm-im sorry." The nurse was safely out of his reach and he came to hug Minsu, "How can I forget someone so pretty! I'm sorry I can't remember you but I'll try!" He cried and dug his face in her hair.

From behind him, Minsu mouthed, "Get the shot, I'll hold him."

The nurses scurried and brought the things in a matter of time.

"Why are you holding me so tight honey?" The patient tried to push away.

Minsu was disgusted but had to continue the act, "Oh because I miss and love you." Hurry hurry hurry she rushed the doctor that was kneeling beside her preparing the shot.

He was stabbed in the shoulder and he slowly lost consciousness, "I'll come back for you. My love." His fingers grazed her arm before he fell to the floor. The doctors came to carry him away.

"Sorry but I don't even know your name." Minsu got up and brushed her knees. Once she calmed down she smiled to the crowd, "Anyone who publishes anything about me to the news or anything, will be sued."

"Minsu!" Doctor Park pulled her ear and dragged her away.

They were in front of his office. He was still holding onto her ear. She winced, "Yah yah yah! This guy!" She slapped his hand away and stomped her feet, "That guy squeezed me hard! Geesh old perv." She rolled her shoulders.

"Minsu. You must be careful around people. You'll ruin Insu's reputation."

"I am very careful. She called me out because that patient needed to calm the heck down." Minsu opened the door and strolled in like a mischievous child, "Isn't it nice to meet each other again, Doctor... Park." She stretched her arms and twirled.

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