CH 22. Lonely Christmas pt.2

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(Eunha's POV)

"Careful! Careful!!" Nami watched over the bellboys as they brought in the her dress creations, "I told you careful!!"

"If you keep yelling in their ears like that, they'll end up doing something to those dresses." Insu spoke with eyes closed as she was getting makeup done.

Nami glared back at Insu through the mirror.

With her eyes still closed, Insu grinned, "You better stop dogging at me or I'll end up being prettier than you by the end of this year."

Nami looked away with her chin up, "Bring the dresses in and lay them on the bed." The bellboys left at her command and shut the door behind them.

Nami unveiled the dresses from their cover. Minsyuk stood beside her and gasped, "Wow! They're so pretty!"

I looked through the reflection. And laughed at her with a patronizing expression, "Its like you've never seen her designs and projects."

"Yah but they always come out so nicely!"

"Minsyuk! You have to get your hair done!" ShinMi yelled from the styling booth.

"So pretty!" My stylist finished her styling on my hair and makeup. The princess style for everyone, but a different taste or touch from each distinctive artist.

We finished the whole outfit with our tiaras or other hair accessories.

"Lets take a picture for instagram and snapchat!" I pulled out my phone and we posed in front of the mirror as royal princesses, "AHHH! We're so pretty!" I jumped with excitement.

We picked up the skirts of our dresses and made our way downstairs.

The crew came running towards us with parkas and hot cocoa. We stepped out and a shiver came up my spine, "Brwwwbrwbrwbbrb!" I shook when trying to grab the warm cup, "Aren't you cold?" I smiled to the staff but they were too much in a rush and over passed my question.

"I think that's enough." ShinMi tried to shoo away the staff trying to make her perfect for the shoot, "Huh?" She started sniffing the air, "Is it just me, or is Jimin's smell growing on me?"

"Just you. Hello you just got perfumed earlier." JinMi sighed while her makeup was having touch ups.

I giggled to myself just looking at JinMi and Shinmi. When we were young, we ridiculed and judged girls who wore make up. Now we endorse one of the make up companies and we've basically become makeup icons for make up. Topic inspired videos about our makeup has gone viral on YouTube and of course they're all on point! Only things is... I can't do make up at all. I repeat AT ALL.

We met up with the director after hopping onto a cart and getting driven to the missile of nowhere away from civilization. Lights were seen from afar and everything was set up for our shoot.

"Oh wow! You girls are so pretty!" He scanned us form head to toe, "Now. Here're the men who are going to help bring in a princely feel to the shoot. Along with the beautiful princesses, we must have their knight in shining armor."

A tall, average, average, and another tall; they wore masks and large parkas over their tuxedos, "Hello." They bowed. Was it just me or were some of the voices similar... I shrugged and turned back to our director.

"Any questions before we get this party started?"

"I do, King Han..." I raised my hand, "What other experiences of photo shoots and music videos have you had?"

He smiled with glee,  "I was waiting for that question! In photography, I've been called to work for big ones like W Korea, Grazia, ELLE Korea, Ceci and other littler ones. Music video wise... Ah~! Artists like Btob, Vixx, Infinite, Girls Day, Lovelyz, etc."

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