CH 20. Golden Gate

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(ShinMi's POV)

"So you and Ravi? Want me to call him for a double date?" Eunha had a mischievous grin as she scrolled through her phone.

We were resting in the living room after the whole Christmas in the Park thing. JinMi gave her a mild tilt, "Actually... I could careless right now. I want to be more focused on the me time. I'm not really in the mood for that. "

She gave a slack-jawed character, "Ah really!? Thats good."

V (BTS) came into the room and hollered throughout the house, "Hey Anyone who wants to watch 'One Punch Man?'

What the heck is this "One Punch Man" thing they speak of. We got up to go see for ourselves. All the idols were packed in the living room ready to watch this so called awesome show.

We walked in during the middle of RapMon's explanation, "He's a oblivious but strong as hell main character. You can see how he's drawn so differently compared to the others because he practically has no detail at all!"

"Why is that?" Chanyeol looked at the screen with an absent mind, "Ha its true! What the heck!" He pulled out his phone and took a pic.

I decided to do the same.

*Anyone watch One Punch Man?* 12,436 likes in 2hrs.

Online "One Punch Man" is deemed mostly hilarious, different, and unexpected.

They started playing it from the beginning and the first thing I saw when looking up from my phone, was a kid with a SERIOUS PROBLEM with his butt chin and a butt naked lobster?!

"SO.... WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS!" I laughed with tears along with Eunha and Jinmi.

Jimin whispered to me while the show was going on, "The author first tried to draw the manga himself but he cant draw for poop. So he had someone else draw it, but they kept the main character as the original drawing. I think thats what makes it funny."

We went on through the night watching up to the final episode 12.

"What the!? thats all!?" The most eager one was JinMi.

BTS nodded.

It was 230am and everyone headed upstairs to sleep.

"Good night." Jimin did a sneak attack and kissed my cheek. He ran off and shut his bedroom door behind him.

I saw my mom, Taeri, at the end of the hallway glaring, "You better watch out." I heard through telepathy. I turned away into the bedroom after throwing her a deadpan expression.

"Dumb Jimin!" I quietly complained and changed with doors closed.

"Huh? Why?" Nami threw me my sleeping sweatshirt.

I plopped onto the bed with Insu, "Why of all people my mom was awake and for some reason just standing in the hallway."

Seulra raised her brows, "Ah~ She caught him sucking her daughter's face."

I darted glares to Seulra, "No! He just pecked my cheek! Its not like i asked him to."

Insu gave an earnest judgment while getting cozy in the bed, "But you're already old enough. In fact, a legal adult!"

"My mom is gonna tell the whole family and.. thats not good." I looked up to the ceiling and saw my life flash before my eyes, "Mostly my dad! Ugh... great." I twist and turned. I went on Instagram to free my mind.

Insu is right, right? I shouldn't worry...

I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep.


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