CH 16. Where the Idols Roam

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(Eunha's POV)

All of the foreigners didn't seem as impresses as they hoped to be.

"It's... nice." Suzy stumbled on her words.

Suho bobbed his head, "Yah.. Yah! It's um nice, i agree."

"Yah It isn't the hype everyone makes it. Look theres hello kitty and spider man." Uncle Shin pointed out. The two costumes were filthy and hello kitty's head was off that revealed a man inside.

Everyone's eyes widened, "How deep is hello kitty's voice when you talk to him..."

"Okay everyone! Instead of standing in the center of the plaza, why don't we go shopping." My dad leaded them to the shopping plaza, mall thing place....

"You should be able to see the Hollywood sign from here." I said to the idols. They all nodded, a bit impressed.

"Aren't people staring at us... Seeing a bunch of weird Asians..." Shinmi and Jinmi were embarrassed from being surrounded by 20+ other Asians.

More people began to notice us, but by bit, family by family.

"Hey! I got an idea!" I caught everyone's attention, "Let's do a showcase right here! I'm genius! It'll help bring more audiences to Kpop!"

Chanyeol Amber and Krystal were all in. Rapmon later joined. Exo joined, MissA, then we were all in. The parents sat to the side.

I ran to one of the booths in the mall, "Can you play this from your speakers?"

The manager gladly took it, "But before you guys perform, can I get an autograph?" I gave him an autograph in return. Exo's "Growl" was the first the play and Kai, Sehun, Chanyeol, Suho jumped right to it. They transformed their 9 member dance to a 4 member automatically as if they're practiced it beforehand. "Call Me Baby" played and the choreograph was possible for just four people

An huge audience gathered in no time when MissA and BTS came after. Amber and Krystal took pride in being FX by pumping up the party.

JEM, as it had all of its member,

easily finished up the performance.

"Thank you! Please take some time to research us! We're kpop artists: EXO, MissA, BTS, FX, and JEM!" We did a role all and bowed to al lithe floor levels in the mall

The family gave a standing ovation, "First time seeing our children live! They were the best!" The clapped and made sure the world knew we were their family.

Jinmi, Shinmi, and I started getting embarrassed and covered our faces.

"Alright let's go." I dragged everyone away and the crowd started following us.

A tug on my sleeve caught my attention as it was a little girl, "can I get an autograph? I want to be just like you."

"Okay!" I gladly signed her paper and went on.

"The candy store!!!" Amber was going crazy and ran before us into the huge candy store.

"Look! Let's see who can down this the fastest! Any prize to the winner." Kai and Sehun were holding a weird container that yelled FIRE!!!!

"Deal!!!" I high fived Sehun.

"But Eunha you can't take spicy, anything!" Chanyeol tried to stop me.

I shrugged, "Trying something new."

"Aish, you're so hard headed about trying new things. Don't blame me when you suffer with a burnt mouth." He crossed his arms and watched me.

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