CH4. Foreign Outrage

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The ride was very odd for us. ShinMi never said a word after talking to Jimin at the hotel. Instead of giving us the plan of the day, Jaebum was silent. Insu and I were working up some new songs, but usually we would joke around.

We drove in to the concert back driveway and so the day began.

"Alright girls, Guess who are the MCs for this concert?" Jaebum smiled and obviously tried to set a mood.

JinMi groaned with crossed arms, "It better not be me. I did not get my normal 12 hours of sleep, so im cranky today. And my cramps are kicking in."

"Well then aren't we glad they didn't choose you." Minsyuk commented.

"No. Since you girls are barely got started and have already become the Trend of all Idols. Our CEO wants you girls to try finding your role in the group. So Eunha will be taking this. ShinMi will also be a choice most of the time, but to help promote Paper Hearts, KBS allowed SBS's request."

"Paper Hearts? So who else will be MCing with me?" I said eagerly awaiting the answer.

ShinMi and JinMi jumped in their seats and finally knew the answer, "ChanHa! Fans are gonna go crazy!" They playfully hit each other in excitement.

My jaw dropped and my ears turned red, "Thats crazy! I wont be able to talk!"

Everyone squealed including Jaebum, "So cute!!!"

I rolled my eyes and got out the car first. We all packed into the waiting room at the back of the stage.

We were the last to arrive in the room, "Eunha!" Chanyeol came to me with open arms, "We're MCing together!"

I unwillingly cheered with him, "Yay!..."

The concert PD came to us and handed us a stack of cue cards, "Well I'll be in Jem's area." I hurriedly walked away.

"Aish! This girl is frustrating." Minsyuk and Nami shook their heads at me. Minsyuk threw her arms up and i flinched, "Im kidding. But seriously, whats your problem? You were never nervous around Chanyeol until ChanHA started coming out. Aren't you two like best friends?"

"Well I'm 100% his fan. And I was before i became an idol. I used to imagine him being my Boyfriend for Buddha's sake!" I emphasized Boyfriend.

"So you like him!" Nami hit my arm.

I wasn't too excited that ChanHa was real. It gives me more anxiety about being an idol. I believed it as a joke and went along with it. But even producers think its a thing!

"I'm gonna go somewhere quiet." I rolled my eyes and stepped out.

The whole stadium was full of empty seats and for a little isolation I hid on the top seats from the very back.

"Sawadeekup Thailand!! We're so happy you came to watch us. We hope you have great time! So let's introduce the first performers!" I said aloud to myself. I bonked my head after realizing that is was bland and monotone, "Crystal. Who on earth would like to listen to that?!" I looked crazy talking to myself.

I went over it, one practice after another.

"Up and Down" by Exid

Exid started practicing all over the stage.

"Go Exid!!!!!" I cheered but got right back to business.

"Sawadeekup! JEM's Eunha!!!" I waved with a smile.

Ugh this was useless. I've never done this before! I shook my head and jumbled my hair in front of my face. A long breath of air came out and I had totally given up.

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