CH 31. Collision

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(Author's POV)


JEM arrived at the mnet building.

From afar fans screamed, "JEM!!!! ShinMi!! Jinmi!!! Minsyuk!!!" They waved their signs in the air to get the idols' attention.

Jaebum leaded the girls into the building and into their waiting room, "I'll be talking to the producers, and so don't come looking for me." He disappeared after dropping them off

"What a great manager." Minsyuk sarcastically scoffed and went off into the restroom.

Jinmi was stretching with Eunha. ShinMi was passing her time by scrolling on her phone. Seulra fell asleep the moment they arrived. Nami was keeping an eye on her creations, JEM's stage outfits. Insu had disappeared before the members stepped foot in the waiting room.

Insu: Be careful at the concert. If you trip, it'll be embarrassing for me.

Xiumin: You!? The media doesn't know of our relationship.

Insu: I know. But every dang idol does.

Xiumin: I'll try to trip a thousand times then.
Insu: Whatever.

Xiumin: Ah~ I can feel the strict Insu now. Nice to meet you!

Insu: Whatever... anyways I miss you.
Xiumin: I miss you more!
Insu: Have fun and don't stress.

Xiumin: You too. You looked beautiful in the new comeback video. But that wasn't the first time you took my breath away. The time in Thailand, you were also beautiful in that dress.

Insu: Awe... Thank you.

Xiumin: Okay gotta go. I'll be free tomorrow, call me then.

Insu: You might be tired... Well okay I'll see, see you later.

Insu walked into the waiting room and sat beside Seulra. She wanted to take a nap before the stressful variety show and music shows pop up.

When the waiting room was only JEM occupied, Minsyuk teased, "Were you talking to Xiumin? Xiuminnie!! Xiuminnie!"

Insu's eyes were closed but she was still able to listen and talk, "Yes. Hes doing rehearsals for the concert."

"I didn't ask." Minsyuk playfully growled.

Insu kicked her and grinned, "Are you jealous you got no boyfriend?"

Minsyuk rolled her shoulders and looked to the ceiling, "I don't want a hook up or whatever you're planning. I'm fine just bothering people."

EUnha jumped from her stretching position and squealed, "FOUR DAYS WE ALREADY HIT 18 MILLION VIEWS ON YOUTUBE."

Nami had finally tool her eyes off the creations and dramatically denied, "No."

"YES!" Eunha shone the phone in Nami's face, "YES!"

"I don't understand it. Life is just moving too fast for me. I need to rest." Nami lay down on the couch while setting her arm on her forehead, "30 million?" She repeated until she fell asleep.

Minsyuk snatched the phone and checked for any tuning Eunha might have done, "Did you watch the video 18 million times or what!? That's impossible for a kpop video!"

Eunha shrugged, "I only watched it on replay for a whole day... But that still isn't enough for 18 million!"

Bangtan Boys ran into the room with Jimin pouncing on ShinMi, "Did you see your video?!"

Shinmi sighed, "Yes. Eunha is screaming about it."

Jimin took a seat beside ShinMi and leaned against her arm, "You were really pretty in your new music video." He grinned.

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