CH 24. Running Man pt.2

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"3,2,-" I almost swung it to my head.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! I'll take the egg to the head. We can't have her ruin her hair." Joshua snatched the egg from me and slammed the egg to his forehead.

"What?! Wai-!" I yelped and shut my eyes. Bits of the egg splattered on me.

"Why would you do that?!" His teammates laughed but were still puzzled, "Why you being so nice?!"

The staff quickly gave him a towel. We moved back with the other members and waited for the next mission to be given.

I grabbed a napkin and helped him. I dabbed his sideburns to his cheek, "You didn't need to do that. Now you're a mess."

He gripped to my wrist and looked into my eyes.

"Hey!! What is this?! Some K-drama?!" Everybody complained, "Hey kiddos! The cameras are still rolling!"

Joshua let go and looked away, "Sorry." he whispered quiet enough that not even the mics caught on.


"Huh?" I asked myself aloud.

Everyone looked at me, "Seulra! Those eggs didn't do anything to your brain right?!" Gary asked loudly.

I waved my hands, "Ah no! I'm fine. It's fine!" I glanced over to Joshua who moved away to the Actors' side. He was still cleaning himself up from the egg...

"So actor team wins this round. Having them in the lead for the final battle of talents. Now please head over to University "K". There could be a high advantage if you guys get there first." Everyone ran out the door at the mention of advantage.

After the egg roulette all the cars were packed and headed towards Seoul.


Somehow I was the last one to sit in and I was stuck to the side. "Bomi Unnie. Can I sit in the middle?"

"Ay. Don't make things difficult just sit on my right."

I took a deep breath and sat at the side.

"I have a feeling that it's name tag elimination." Gary speculated, "Be prepared. No mercy on anyone. No mercy."

"No mercy!" Vernon and the others cheered.

Bomi(Apink) nudged me, "Fighting!" she made a powerful fist, "No mercy!"

I hesitantly responded the same, "Fighting."

We drove for thirty minutes and I couldn't close my eyes as I have a trauma with car rides...

Gary looked through the rear mirror, "Seulra. You aren't tired? It'll take another thirty to get there."

Everyone else was asleep and cozy.

"No it's fine."

He shrugged.


Nami: Be careful. Sorry I couldn't be there with you.

Seulra: just got to make sure not to fall asleep. Still got thirty more minutes to go.

Nami: Don't show any reaction or symptom in front of the camera.

Seulra: I know Unnie... But I'm starting to feel sick.

Nami: Tell Gary Oppa to pull over and take a breather at a stop.

We were stuck in the middle of traffic. No exit was visible anywhere. I looked to the side of us and saw a huge shadow over us. I scooted closer to Bomi.

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