CH 14. This Is Home

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(Eunha's POV)

The flying took hours. We spotted the Land of the Free beneath us and LAX was 20mins away.

Everything was just how we left it, We were coming home.


@LAX Airport.

"We will be landing in 10 mins. Please stay seated for a bit longer. We'll make sure to land safely."

18 idols started cleaning their areas and prepared to step into America.

"I can't believe we're in America. It's been forever!" Kai stretched and rubbed his eyes.

"Yup, this is my home." I waited for Kai to get up so I could pass through. Chanyeol waited at the exit and we were the last three passengers on the plane.

Being home was one thing, but the reason why we're here is saddening.

I frowned and gripped my backpack strap. Kai stood up and smiled, "It's alright kiddo." He swung his arm over my shoulder and shined a brotherly smile.

"Hey. Whatch you two doing?" Chanyeol stared down on Kai, "Lets go." He swung his arm over my other shoulder and the three of us walked out together.

Fans were already bombarding the LAX airport. "ChanHa!!!!!"

"KAI!!!! JEM!!! BTS! JIMIN! AMBER!!" shrieks echoed throughout the airport.

We put our sunglasses back on and went straight towards the vans.

"Crystal Eunha Song Tran! Samie ShinMi Kwon To! Jami JinMi Kwon To!" Us cousins looked to where the voices came from.

They were holding flowers and balloons.

We sprinted for our family and embraced their warmth.

"AHhhHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~!" We all screamed.

My mom was one person who didn't hug me, instead she patted my back, "Crystal!"

"Come on mom! I haven't seen you in forever! How can you not give me a hug or a kiss!" I aimed for her cheek but she dodged and pushed me away.

"Well hello crystal!" My aunt 2 hugged me instead.

"We missed you!" They all ruffled our heads. 5 family members and the idols walked out the airport with the fans following behind.

"We'll ride with our family. Just follow us." I yelled to Jaebum and got in the family van.

The aura of warmth and family already surrounded us and it felt like we've been with them forever.

"It already feels like we've never left America, yet there is so much we've missed." We leaned in to the front row of the van.

"We'll eat whatever you girls want. As a welcome back home." My father looked in the rear mirror.

"After we get home, you and your friends will unpack, get comfortable and we can go eat." My mom searched up restaurants near us.

"Actually..." I silenced the van, "I want to go to the hospital after we get home, and then eat. If we can."

The adults easily understood and grew quiet throughout the ride to the house. It took round an hour.

The welcome sign to the city passed us, "It's the same as before..." I gasped as we drove through the city we lived half our childhood at.

My hand pressed against the window as i watched my high school pass by. The people I've known before were leaving school.

We drove passed the high school, then my middle school, and finally my 6th grade class.

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