baek to the past.....

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Chanyeol cleared his throat and started to speak,

//skipping the whole selling thing//

"When we entered the building, we were greeted by some creepy looking man and he said that we were beautiful and perfect for his purpose.... and he snatched Baek from me whilst he was clutching my shoulder... he....He..he RAPED BAEK IN FRONT OF ME, and I was next and while he...did, me, I saw Baek lying beside me lifeless, as if his life juice was sucked out of him. The man stood up and fastened his pants and walked away and then two scary looking people came and cau...!!" Chanyeol clutched his chest as he fell down. The guys screaming was all he could hear before the pitch blackness that covered him.


"CHANYEOL!!" The guys screamed after Chan stirred up from his bed.

"OMO! Channie you ok?" minseok squealed.

"wha....what happened? Where am I"

"Chanyeol you were telling us the story of you and Baek and then you clutched your chest and collapsed! Your in a hospital." Yixing replied.

"uh..guys, I think I got a ..."

"He got a panic attack" the guys turned around and the doctor stood there holding a clipboard, not looking up.

"Mr. Park, you have to take these medications to stop the attacks from recurring, which brings me to my point... have you had these attacks for a long time?"

"no...maybe...yes actually, whenever I think about what causes it and it happens in the most random places, Dr....?"

"Dr. Ji Kwon Yong. Call me kwon-hyung and you will be visiting me to check-up on your health okay?" Dr.Kwon, flashed a sweet smile at chanyeol and chanyeol did the same.

'HA! I'm here suffering and that piece of shit is resting at home.'while Chanyeol thought.


----/Chanyeol!!! please he....lp me../----

Baekhyun gasped for air, alone.... he was slowly slipping away and breathless as his vision blurred and he fell down, unconscious, as he remembered... those memories...

OMO what happened to baek.... ARRRRGGGHHH This fanfic is gonna be angst soon...... I hope

annyeong chingus

A touch away: a baekyeol tale {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now