Author's note- 2

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I know, I know,

you all thought it was a new chapter after the 19 day hiatus, but sorry it ain't.

This author's note is to thank everyone who supported me and read and voted for this 2-month old fanfic, and made me get 1.1k reads


your all the awesomest-est-est-est-est-est-est...........

Thank you for the support and do look forward for the new "touch away (a baekyeol tale) chapter tomorrow,

thank you


Oh! surprise, surprise!

I am releasing two new baekyeol's and only baekyeol's coz............ well we all can't have enough so yeah

number 1-- "price for peace"

It's all them supernatural and angst thing and

number 2-- "dear diary"

I'm really hyped up for this one coz this is very very very different from what I usually write, it's a suspense-ish and I can't wait to write it but I have to think of a cover so until then,





*sends virtual hearts*

A touch away: a baekyeol tale {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now