I'd hate to make you love me

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Chanyeol stared from school as usual, after bidding goodbye to his friends, he left the building usually, holding on to his bag and taking the path he takes usually but thinking of something unusual.

Why did Baekhyun look him the eye like that even though he was avoiding him a few moments earlier??

----/ sometimes I don't get this kid, AISH../----

Chanyeol strolled through the usual path he took and he entered his abode and got himself into some comfortable clothes, when his phone rang. Kai called.


"yeobsayyo my ass , what took you so long???"

"oh, mianhe. what happened??"

"what happened in the mess hall??"

"Look I know I seemed like the bad guy but the truth is Baekhyun is a very bad guy and I advise you to stay away from him."


"uh... yeah done."

" Now you look here, you better tell me what happened between the both of you."

"F..Fine, we were very close, Kai, we were inseparable. Our families were close too. One fine day we were playing in the park when suddenly some one nabbed the both of us away... I was 10 and he was 12. We were desperate to get away , but the kidnappers kept telling us that no one is coming for us and we should just shut up, B...Baek has still got the scar from the knife attack the guy did. After a few days, we went to Thailand to be sold, a..as s.....sex s-slaves...." Chanyeol couldn't hold it in any more. the memories came back and he could see it happen all over again.

"Ch..Chanyeol I know it's hard for you, but trust me you will feel better once it's all out." Kai tried to console the weeping giant as he sobbed for what he remembered.

" ..... we were sold."


----/ If only you could understand that what I did was for you Chanyeol, you/----

A touch away: a baekyeol tale {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now