Love isn't an open door, anymore...

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The true meaning of these words is known and yet it's pointless. Day in and day out, it's the same.

Chanyeol thought that too, until he met Baekhyun for the first time, and they were kids.

But after meeting the smaller again is a wish come true, TWICE.

And he couldn't ask for anything more.

"Channie, where are my clothes kept?" asked a voice from the washroom, attached to Chanyeol's room.

"Oh! It's in the cupboard, top shelf." replied a giant to the other while he sat on the bed, doing his homework.

"Oi! Baekkie, How did you do this question?" asked a frustrated Chanyeol, and was replied by a sweet kiss to the cheek by the smaller next to him.

"Channie~ you don't do it that way, see..." Baekhyun wrote on the book that Chanyeol was solving in and looked at him, but was shocked to find the taller staring at him with wide eyes.

Then he realized.

He was sitting on Chanyeol's lap and solving the question and absentmindedly, rested his back on Chanyeol's heaving chest, as he stared into the giant's eyes.

"S-Sorry, Chanyeol. I didn't see....."

He got cut of by a kiss from the taller, who didn't seem to mind for the fact that, Baekhyun was practically squishing them both by closing the distance between them, even more.

They pulled away.

"Ba-Baekkie, I'm sorry for that. Didn't know what got into to me." replied a sheepish Chanyeol whose down-gazed face was lifted by Baekhyun and kissed again. But this time on the tip of his nose.

"Chanyeol. I'll really miss all this. The times we spent together. The times we laughed together. Everything. Oh how I wish I had told you this earlier, we could have been together and maybe even......"

Baekhyun suddenly starts having a coughing fit and as he looks up to Chanyeol, who had tears in his eyes already, he coughed up something onto Chanyeol's shirt.

"Baekhyun! Your coughing up blood. LET'S GO TO THE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY!"

Baekhyun tried standing up, but instead doubled over and almost fell down, but was caught by Chanyeol. Chanyeol and Baekhyun made their way to the hospital and Chanyeol called up the rest of them too.

Baekhyun got wheeled in and Chanyeol sat here crying and being comforted by Kyungsoo.

Hours. Minutes. Seconds.

ticked away slowly, but painfully.

When finally, The doctor came outside to inform something even he didn't to tell.

"I'm sorry...."








A touch away: a baekyeol tale {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now