As long as you can smile, I'll protect it...

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The boys stared at one another and stared at Baekhyun and Chanyeol and then back at Baekhyun when finally,

"Alright this is very awkward, but hey Baekhyun, I see you are injured, what happened?" Kyungsoo spoke.


"Yeah Baekhyun we would all like to know..." it was chanyeol who spoke this time ".... what happened to you and why'd you faint when you saw me?"

"W..Well it's just that I...I.." the brunette stammered.

" what?" Kyungsoo inquired with the rest of the boys staring at Baekhyun, making him more uncomfortable.

"FINE! DON'T TELL US OKAY BAEK?..." Chanyeol raised his voice on Baekhyun who never looked a him in the eyes after the boys entered. At that very moment the doctor enters and gives an all clear and Baekhyun could go home.

"See I told you it was useless coming here, he isn't going to speak and I had to suffer everything. Thanks a ton Baek! Your really helpful" Chanyeol said as he signed the papers in the hospital with Baekhyun just standing next to him.He teared up and walked away from them and sat down in the bench outside the gates of the hospital and drowned in thought.

"----/ If only I could tell you what happened later Chanyeol, things would have been better...much better./----" Baekhyun hadn't noticed that he was talking out loud, but he really didn't care. His only company was the moon and the stars. He was alone.

"---/ If only I could tell you that what happened...what I said was all to protect you from getting in harms way and to protect you.. to protect your heart./----" Baekhyun quivered and sniffs could be heard from the boy as he cried silently, alone and isolated from the world. Just him and the bench . Stopped in time while everybody continued as usual. He got up to leave and walked away towards his house and prepare for his class the next day.


"Aggh, Chanyeol really, do it quick and let's get out of here." Tao nags as he clings on to Chanyeol's shoulder and nearly strangles a hospital.

"YAGHH!! THAOG, LEG ME GOO!!" Chanyeol shouts as he pushes Tao from his neck and glances back to see Tao on the ground like a female lead in a historic drama who has been thrown quite literally into prison.

"Oi! Channie, quickly and stop harassing Tao!!" Suho spoke to shake him back to reality.

They finished the papers and were about o ride back in their "gang-van" when they saw Baekhyun sitting on the bench crying as they approached him from behind.

"Probably regrets doing that to you." Kai snorts but they close-up on him anyway.

"----/ If only I could tell you what happened later Chanyeol, things would have been better...much better./----" Baekhyun suddenly speaks up when the boys came up behind him and he hadn't noticed

"---/ If only I could tell you that what happened...what I said was all to protect you from getting in harms way and to protect you.. to protect your heart./----"  Okay now he was being weird and Chanyeol stood dumbstruck as he saw Baekhyun  leave the bench and walk away.






A touch away: a baekyeol tale {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now