Everything About You Is Special

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Baekhyun sat there as he gazed up at Chanyeol who had his face very close to his.

"Baekkie? You okay?" Chanyeol asked with eminent concern in his speech as he lifted Baekhyun 's face and brought it close to his neck and hugged the boy as he rubbed soothing circles on his back.

They lay there for sometime as Baekhyun's breathing returned to normal and chanyeol glanced at the brunette who seemed to comfortable in this uncomfortable position.

Chanyeol tried to move, but that resulted in Baekhyun gripping on to Chanyeol even more.

"Mnh... Channie, a little more." Baekhyun moaned into Chanyeol's embrace.

"Alright Baekkie~" Chanyeol couldn't help but laugh at the adorable nature of the smaller.

----/ A while back, you wouldn't even face me, now......... Oh Baekkie, stay like this. forever./----

But there is never a moment when life is fair. Ever.

Chanyeol was deeply engrossed in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed the brunette sit up and stare at him with questioning eyes.

"Just now, what were you thinking Channie??"

Baekhyun cocked his head side ways as he asked Chanyeol who popped back into reality and replied,

"Ah! Just that we are getting late. Are you sure you are up for this Baekkie?"


As they made their way towards the auditorium, Chanyeol kept stealing glances at Baekhyun, who seemed to hyper for his condition, with a confused look.

As they reached the auditorium, they were called for their performance and as the two set their foot on stage, the whole of their gang stood up and cheered.

----/ Thanks guys. Thanks a lot./----

As chanyeol and Baekhyun made their way up the stairs, Chanyeol noticed the absent look on Baekhyun's face.

"Baekkie, you ready?"


"Then let's show them what Jikong high has to offer!"

As they played and sang their song, Chanyeol felt for something.

He wasn't quiet sure how to put it in words but,

It had something to do with Baekhyun and love.




A touch away: a baekyeol tale {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now