Hold On A Bit Longer

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Baekhyun couldn't believe it.

He was being hugged, that too by Chanyeol.

"Ch-Chanyeol?" Baekhyun looked up to see the guy crying slowly.

"No. Call me Channie." He replied after moving Baekhyun's face towns his and placing a kiss on the smaller's forehead.

"Ch-Channie, it's okay. I'm sorry, I really am."

"No. I'm the one who is supposed to be sorry, please forgive me Baekkie, I don't want to see you cry anymore. Help me by helping yourself become better and make me the proudest and happiest person alive."

Chanyeol looks into the other's brown orbs as they looked down to his hands. Chanyeol and Baekhyun we're having a really intimate moment when suddenly......

" CHANYEOL!! When are you...." Tao stops after he sees the two embracing each other and didn't seem to notice his interference, "....oh uh bye." He quickly shuts the door.

"Channie, Tao-ssi just came.."
"Don't mind him, I don't either."

The rest of the journey back home was a really awkward moment as the boys sat in complete silence with the radio bickering the daily news. Baekhyun sat next to the window with Chanyeol next to him as he seems to not let go of the smaller.

"So....uh, well this is awkward..." Kai spoke.
"Well, we all owe you an apology Baekhyun. Mianhe."

Baekhyun turns around to face them with a small smile as he softly spoke.."ah. That's okay, I'm sorry by the way."

As they neared the city side..." WAIT! Baekhyun!" Minseok, who was on the wheel, shouted scaring the boy, "..... Where do you live, I'll drop you."
Baekhyun shifted uncomfortably..." Umm.. It's okay if you drop me here I can walk."

Minseok brought the car to a sudden halt, sending Sehun's bubble-tea flying out to the front seat.

"Not with that body your not."

Baekhyun gave up as he led the car to his house.

"Baekkie, this place doesn't look safe, are you sure you live here?" Chanyeol inquired.

"Ye-yeah. I do live here."

They got off the car and made their way towards the apartment and as he opened the door, the boys shuffled inside too.

"Sorry for the condition it's in." Baekhyun says to the crowd as he made his way towards his room to change.

"Phew... This place is messy..." Tao retorted ".... We'll I'm hungry."

He opened the fridge to find nothing but a few bottles of liquid in the fridge.

"Guys we have a problem." Tao announces as he took one out and displayed it for the others to see, " He doesn't have food in the fridge."

"What are those?" Kris asks as Tao tosses one towards Chen who had come up to him asking for food.
"I don't really know."
"Looks like medication you'd give to a sick person." Suho says as he examines the bottles.
"How'd you know?" Sehun asks.

"Duh! Coz it has a label saying 'one bottle a day' attached to it."
Suho says as he opens the bottle and smells it.
"Well?" Luhan asks.
"Awful! AWFUL I TELL YOU." Suho squints his eyes as he turns away.


A small voice comes from the room inside.

Baekhyun stood there as he stared at them and the bottles with horror.

A touch away: a baekyeol tale {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now