Fade Away, Into The Unknown Abyss...

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

The sound of the clock was the only audible noise that could be heard in between the silence that enveloped the boys as they took in what they heard,

"No...NO! DOCTOR TELL ME YOUR LYING! TELL ME YOUR LYING, AND BAEKHYUN.........Baekhyun's okay, please.."

Chanyeol fell to his knees as he let his eyes droop down to the floor.

"I'm s-sorry, but..... no, He is gone. We tried all that we c-could." The doctor turned around and began making his way away from the boys, hiding his tears.


"Ch-Chanyeol, do you want to ... perhaps..."

"yeah, Please."

They made their way towards the room that held Baekhyun,....... or what's left of him, and entered, But left the taller to his privacy as he made his way towards the shrouded body. He lifted the covers to see a sight, he wasn't ready to.

"Baekhyun.......... Why did you leave me so...... so early, I'm not ready for this yet....... No, I will never be ready.." Chanyeol had already draped his hands around the dead boy as he wailed as loud as possible.

"Ch-Chanyeol?" A small voice came from behind.

The taller turned around and nearly fainted. He saw Baekhyun standing there with the most dazzling smile ever.

"B-Baekhyun? BAEKHYUN!!!" The taller ran towards the boy and hugs him very tight and nearly killed the boy (twice?).

"Baekhyun!" the taller shouted quickly sitting up from his position on his bed and ended up crying as he realized.

He woke up from a dream.

"Chanyeol, He left a message for you....Baekhyun." Kai said looking through his tear filled eyes as he handed him the phone which read a text.

"I really don't know how to say this but

Now that we have


It feels like eternity since

Destiny brought us back together and I am really thankful for


Yeollie, don't be sad

Okay? I'll miss you and surely I hope you'll miss me too,

Usually, I don't say these kinds of things but your

Right, I will regret not saying this to you earlier.

Don't blame yourself though, life has changed us a lot, maybe even for the better, but If you don't

Really understand it anymore, don't worry

Alright? no matter what happens

Whether we survive or not, remember

Everything happens for a really good

Reason. find yours.

                                              I love you.............


A touch away: a baekyeol tale {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now