Not Really, But still....

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The doctor comes out with a sigh as he heads towards his office. But Chanyeol had a few things to ask. "What happened doctor? Anything wrong?"
" Nothing young man. But please promise me one thing."
The doctor looked up to Chanyeol's eyes as he said those words... " Promise me that you won't ever leave that per-person alone. Promise me that you will always be by that boy."

Chanyeol nodded and proceeded to open the door, but held the knob,
----/Is it really okay for me to promise that? What if he doesn't want me to be by his side anymore?/----

Chanyeol pushed the thoughts aside with a shake and opened the door to find Baekhyun crying slowly as he seemed not to have noticed him enter.

Chanyeol's heart melted. The boy he had his childhood shared with was crying sitting on a hospital bed.


The sudden intrusion seemed to have startled the boy as he looked away and wiped his tears he thought were hidden from this tall guest. They weren't.

"Baekkie, I'm sorry."

He settled down as he began to make his way up the bed and held on to the brunette's hand which, of course, produced a little discomfort, but Chanyeol didn't seem to care. He would go to the ends of the earth and back if it meant gaining the smaller's forgiveness.

He soothed the boy's back as he rubbed his back and embraced him in a hug.

Not too long ago, Chanyeol thought that he had lost all sources of touch and feelings of love and happiness. He dreaded the thought that he could love even after all that he faced. Yet here he is. Embracing Baekhyun, he swore to avoid and hate all through his life.

He was so wrong. So very wrong.

A touch away: a baekyeol tale {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now