My Love For You Stays Strong

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----/Love. Compassion. Forgiveness. Why can't I feel them for once? Appa, Omma, I'm sorry for ruining you life and never being your source of joy. I thought you were happy dad, I thought you were proud of me. I'm sorry. I really am terribly sorry./----

Beep* Beep* Beep* Beeeeeeeeee.........*

"1,2,3,4..... Inhale*
1,2,3,4..... Exhale
1,2,3,4..... Inhale*
1,2,3,4..... Exhale
1,2,3,4..... Inhale*
1,2,3,4..... Exhale"

Cough* cough*

Baekhyun slowly sits up to take notice that the scene in front of him had changed.

He was no longer in the old ragged apartment that he nearly died in.

Speaking of dying..." Ugh... Where am I?" The small boy sat up and rubbed his eyes to adjust to the light.

"Hello Baekhyun . I'm Dr. Lee, and you are a hospital. We just received you a week back with a bullet hole in your head and we thought you'd be gone. But your a fighter!"

The doctor helped him up seeing him in discomfort and rubbed his back.

"Thank you Lee-ssi." Baekhyun blushed at the doctor who noticed and smiled saying, "Aww! Your so cute, how old are you?"


"Your a brave boy Baekhyun. You have no idea what you just dealt with."
The doctor gave an apologetic smile.

The eight-year-old, who had his whole life ahead of him, sat there as he looked across the room without tears. After dealing with that kind of an experience, of course he wouldn't have had enough tears to empty his feeling out to.


"B-Baekhyun.. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Chanyeol spoke with tears muffling his voice as he tried to keep it constant but failed miserably.

D.O. And Sehun we're having a hard time not letting their tears fall and amidst all of this, Baekhyun sat there as he gazed at the freshly fallen tear on his palm that came from nowhere to his hand.

"B- Baekhyun, what happened in the past is the past, let's now just focus on the future. Don't cry...." Zhang continued

----/ That explains the stray tear . I'm responsible for it./----

".... We all have done a few mistakes in life and one was gravely horrible and that was abandoning you. I'm sorry, we all are."

Everybody nods and start to huddle around Baekhyun, startling the boy.

"Baekhyun, I'm sorry I had told all that to you earlier and hurt you. I truly am"
Chan Yeol spoke with his head hung low and tears falling continuously.

Baekhyun motioned his hand towards Chanyeol's face and lifted it up.

"Ch-Chanyeol, don't say that. It's okay. It was me who hadn't thought about you, I'm sorry and I owe you one too, for abandoning you but I couldn't get help since I had to undergo a surgery to fix the wound and then wait for it to heal. I did search for you after that. But I couldn't get any help, so I made my way there on my own, but I found out that you were gone.."

".. Yeah they took...took me to another place but I managed to escape from their hold and ran to my house after hiding in the nearby woods for three days...."

Chanyeol wiped his face and continued ".... After I got home I tried to find you but you weren't there and there were police officers posted over there too, so I thought that you wouldn't be there and I thought you ran off with your parents.... I di-didn't know, I'm sorry!" Chanyeol completed looking away feeling ashamed that he even went on to call the bruised-brunette a liar and other names.

"Um.. Mr. Byun?" The doctor popped in.
"Yes?" Baekhyun replied to the doctor who approached him.
"Camp I talk to you for a moment....alone?"

The boys made their way out and waited for the conversation to end. Each in their own thought as they sat down and ignored the pleas of their stomach as their minds processed what they had just heard.

Not even their "Usual" would provide them solace they needs ever so badly....

A touch away: a baekyeol tale {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now