Chapter 1

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I glanced at myself in the mirror. Today I start attending Belleville High School. Thankfully, I didn't have to wear a uniform like my old school. It sucked ass because they made the girls wear these frilly skirts. "Iris, hurry up, you're going to be late!", my mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I shouted. I was wearing black ripped skinny jeans, an Anthrax shirt, black fingerless gloves, and leather boots. My black hair was wavy and left loose. I had on black eyeliner and black lipstick that made me look paler than I already was.

"Dork, we're gonna be late if you don't hurry up!" my older brother, Tony, said while pounding on my door. "You have to feed your cat too!"

"I'll feed your cat, Iris, but hurry up, the bus is almost here!" my mom yelled.

"I'm coming, dammit!" I screamed in frustration. I grabbed my messenger bag, which was black and decorated with buttons, and slammed my door shut and ran downstairs.

"Here's your breakfast, sweetheart." my mom said.

"Not hungry," I said and chugged an orange juice. "Bye Mom!" I kissed her cheek and went outside with Tony. He was in a plain blue shirt with jeans. Lame.

"For one day, could you have dressed normally?" he asked. Two other people were waiting for the bus.

"This is normal for me," I argued. He rolled his eyes. The yellow school bus was down the street. A group of guys came and waited as well, the two of the girls giving them dirty looks just before the school bus stopped in front of us. The girls got in first, then Tony and I, then the group of guys. The bus was mostly full, everyone whispering as I passed through. Tony sat with a group of friends he had made when we first moved in. Meanwhile, I had no one. I sat in the very back, alone. I saw as everyone threw things at the four guys, paper balls, books, soda cans, and trash. They also sat in the back but left me alone. I pulled a book out of my messenger bag and started to read. While reading, I could hear people whispering about me. Did you see the new girl? What's with those clothes? She looks like a freak. These words didn't affect me. The bus stopped and everyone got off. I pulled out my schedule and glanced at my first class. Creative writing. I had 15 minutes until school officially started, so I walked inside the building only to find it overcrowded with people. I looked for my locker and found it near the cafeteria. I walked around the first floor and realized none of my classes were on this floor. I went to the second floor and discovered five out of my six classes were there. My other class was gym. I still had a few minutes to spare. I walked around to know the place better as everyone continued to stare at me.

"Hey freak," someone shouted. "The circus class is the other way." Everyone laughed. I turned around and faced her.

"Then I guess we all know why you're heading that way," I replied emotionless. Everyone oohed as I left, heading to my first class. I saw a kid who being shoved around. I looked the other way because if I got involved, I would lose my temper. The bell rang, and everyone left to their classes. I slowly walked to room 734. My teacher, a tall, young man with blue eyes and black hair, was sitting at his desk grading papers. I walked in, a bit self-conscious because everyone was looking at me now.

"Hello, are you our new student?" he asked with a deep voice. I nodded. "Let me see your schedule." I handed it to him. "A junior? This is a senior class. I think you need a schedule change."

"No, I was told that I needed to take this class. I gave you my work last week and later got a reply saying I was legible to attend this class." He looked through some papers.

"Iris Quinn?" he asked. I nodded. He nodded, but not to me. Sort of like an appreciation nod. "Class, commence on working on your short stories." He rolled his chair closer to me and spoke lower. "I'm Mr. Lee, and I was astonished at how well your story was. When did you write it?"

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