Chapter 29

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"Dance class will be held in the gym today," my dance teacher, Ms. Amos told me. I changed into my dance clothes, black tights and a black leotard. Some of the dance girls started going out to the gym and I followed behind them. I felt uncomfortable like always, the clothes were too tight for my comfort and I felt like I was exposing too much. I wasn't friends with anyone, but I did talk to one person, Phil. Phil was my partner and one of the four guys in the class. We began to talk because we were assigned to be one another's partners. He was a foreign exchange student from England.

"Hey Iris," Phil said and waved at me. "Ready to dance?" He had black hair and blue eyes and was way too tall for my liking.

"I'm not too ecstatic about it since we are in front of a much larger crowd," I said and sat next to him. We started stretching immediately. If we didn't, our teacher would start yelling at us.

"A guy is looking at you," Phil informed me. I looked over his shoulder and saw Mikey. I smiled and waved at him. He smiled back before paying attention to his gym coach. "Who is that?"

"My boyfriend. I used to have gym with him before I got it switched to dance," I said. I shifted my position so I was doing the split. I reached down and held my foot for a few seconds before switching to the other one

"Awe, he's cute," Phil said with a smile. I started chuckling. "What?"

"You just said my boyfriend cute. Is there something I haven't learned yet?"

"Girl, I am a flaming homo," he cheered with a grin. I started laughing like crazy. "Know any guys interested?"

"Not any single ones," I said while shaking my head. "Wow, I was not expecting that." He laughed and stood up. "Let's practice the dance. We have to perform it tomorrow and we still need to decide on the finale." I grabbed his hand and pulled him up to his feet. "Nice socks." He never wore matching socks. It was amusing to see his sock selection of the day. We started practicing the dance(look at the attached video), a safe distance from the rest of the dancers. I felt people looking at us and had to try my best to ignore them. I could see Mikey glancing at me every few minutes.

"I think your boyfriend is a little jealous," Phil pointed out with a laugh. I looked over and saw Mikey was too focused on Phil to notice I was watching him.

"Of who? You?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, turning back to my dancing partner.

"What's not to be jealous of?" he asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Phil, just dance," I said with a grin.

"That's what I am doing, darling."

"If this is what you call dancing, then we're going to lose the dance competition tomorrow."

"Ouch. That hurt my soul." He dropped dramatically and clutched his heart. "My has been shattered. No more dancing for the amazing Phil. The Queen herself has slaughtered the mighty lion."

"You are such a child to be almost eighteen years old," I said. I pulled him to his feet. "I need to practice my flips. I'm too sloppy at it."

"But my ego, my soul! It has been demolished!"


"So much pain."

"Phil, don't bullshit me." We both laughed.

"Okay, one last run before we leave. Full out." We started the dance with the music. The music got drowned out by the sounds bouncing around the gymnasium walls, but we knew the song by memory, so it wasn't much of a problem. While dancing, I noticed how a small crowd had formed near us. I focused only on perfecting the dance and ignore the eyes on me. We finished and paused for a moment on our last position. We were both breathing hard. We stood as people around us started clapping. I flushed even more and walked toward the water fountain. I felt someone grab my arm. I instinctively pulled it away. I turned and saw it was Mikey.

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