Chapter 26

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Hell no.

It's Monday. The Monday when we go back to school.

In these stupid fucking uniforms.

"Iris, hurry up if you want to have breakfast!" my mom called down from the kitchen. I hate these clothes. No way in hell am I going to school like this.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I told her. I decided to customize my new uniform. They won't mind, will they? I kicked off the ugly shoes I had to wear and sat back down on the bed. I pulled on a pair of stocking that had skeleton legs then put on my black ankle boots. I pulled on my leather hand gloves and flexed my fingers. I grabbed my bag, feeling slightly better now that I didn't have to walk around with my legs exposed. Also, it's fucking cold and they won't let us wear pants. On my way out of my room, I grabbed one of Mikey's zip up sweaters and put it on. Cinder was at the top of the stairs so I scooped her up into my arms. I walked down to the kitchen and placed Cinder next to her food bowl.

"That was more than a minute," she said and passed me a plate with scrambled eggs and toast. I ate my breakfast slowly, not that eager to go to school. "And you seem to have changed your uniform." I grinned, trying to keep my mouth close since it was stuffed with toast. There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I finished most of my food then placed the dishes in the sink. I served myself a glass of orange juice to take my medicine before heading out, petting Cinder on my way out. I mentally prepared myself not to smack anyone, cough Frank, cough, for commenting on how I am wearing a skirt.

"Bye, Mom," I said and squeezed past her. "See you later."

"Don't get in trouble today," she warned. I waved goodbye and started walking down the sidewalk with the guys. I greeted the guys with a hug and kissed Mikey last. He wrapped his arm around my waist. It was Frank who broke the silence.

"Anyone want to burn the school down?" he asked.

"I'm up for it," I said with a shrug.

"You can be our Lady Death," he said. "Love the whole goth look."

"Please, it's just black on black," I said and shook my head. I had my usual black lipstick on. The silver rings on my lips stood out drastically. I had my eyeliner on with some black and gray eyeshadow.

"You're a walking funeral," Gerard joked.

"I'm mourning the death of my sanity," I said with a shrug. "Or the death of those who piss me off today." Mikey laughed before kissing my cheek.

"That's my girl," he said. "Talking about murder bright and early in the morning." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I want ice cream," I said with a deep sigh.

"You always want ice cream," Ray said with a laugh. "It's too cold for ice cream."

"I've dealt with worse," I said with a shrug. "But actually, let's go to the coffee shop. I didn't get my coffee this morning." Mikey and I trailed behind the group.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded, a smile forming on my lips.

"I woke up angry and cranky, the medicine hasn't done its work yet," I said with a shrug. Mikey gave me a gentle kiss and held my hand tightly. I leaned my head on his shoulder and walked into the warm coffee shop. Mikey got my usual coffee order and handed it to me. We sat on one of the benches outside the store, waiting for Ray, Gerard, and Frank to finish ordering their things. We sat there quietly, regretting having to go to school. Mikey leaned in and kissed me. I caressed his cheek and deepened the kiss. I desperately needed affection. I felt like something was wrong. A person coughing dramatically broke us apart.

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