Chapter 19

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Mikey's POV

I rolled over on my bed and sighed. Another sleepless night. I haven't been sleeping well in months. The most sleep I've gotten this week is four hours. I pulled my phone out and texted good morning to Iris. I rubbed my face and walked to the kitchen. I served myself a bowl of cereal. I saw that the couch had a pillow and blanket. I sighed, knowing my father spent the night in the living room again. Gerard emerged from his room and made himself coffee. "Morning, Mikey," he said with a sigh, glancing at the couch.

"He's sleeping on the couch again, isn't he?" I mumbled. Our parents have been arguing a lot recently.

"They'll sort this out soon, Mikey," Gerard promised. "They always do." I ran a hand through my hair and nodded. "How'd your date go last night?"

"Amazing," I said with a small smile. "I really like Iris."

"I know you do," he said with a laugh. There was a knock on the door. Gerard went to open it and came back with Frank.

"You're here early," I said as I washed my bowl.

"My parents were fighting again and I didn't want to be stuck in the middle of it again," he said with a shrug. "Ray said he couldn't come, said something about family stuff." I made myself a cup of coffee and leaned back on the counter. My mom entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, boys," she said with a smile. "Any plans for today?"

"We're going to the mall later with Iris," Gerard said. "Speaking of Iris, guess what Mom?" I groaned.

"What is it?"

"My baby brother has a girlfriend. And it's Iris," Gerard gushed. I jumped on his back and put him in a headlock.

"You little shit," I said and ruffled his hair.

"My little boy is growing up!" my mom said with a laugh. "That's great, Mikey. She's really pretty and talented." I got off Gerard and smiled. I went to go shower then changed into skinny black jeans and a Green Day shirt. I checked my phone and noticed Iris hasn't replied to me yet. I shrugged it off; she's probably busy or still asleep. I picked up my bass and started practicing. Nine o'clock rolled in and I decided that was enough practice for now. I went downstairs and saw Frank and Gerard were ready to leave. We walked to Iris' house and knocked on the door. We waited patiently for someone to open the door. Five minutes later, no one has opened the door yet. I knocked again, this time a little louder. Mrs. Quinn appeared in the door. I noticed how her hands were dirty as if she was burying something.

"Oh, hello," she said. She looked distressed.

"Is Iris ready? We're supposed to go to the mall today," I said. I twiddled with my fingers nervously.

"Iris isn't feeling well right now, she said she's sorry for not telling you in advance," Ms. Quinn explained with a sigh. "She wants to be alone for today."

"Oh, okay," Gerard said. "Can we pass by later?"

"I'll ask her, but she told me to inform you that she doesn't want anyone to bother her." I frowned.

"Okay, just tell her we'll go shopping together another day then," I said with a sigh. "Come on guys." We walked down the block and went to the park.

"Maybe she's got the cold," Frank said with a shrug.

"She was all right last night," I mumbled. Gerard and Frank started playing in the slides. I sat down on the swings instead. I pulled my phone out and texted Iris. What's wrong? I swung back and forth, hoping she would answer. My phone buzzed with an incoming message. I just want to be alone right now, please don't take it wrong. Okay. Can I come by later? I don't know...I just want to be alone. Iris, you can tell me anything. Just know I'm always here for you, okay? I know, Mikey. I decided to stop there. I wanted to know what was wrong.

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